March 7, 2001


of the meeting of 7 March 2001

The Meeting was held at the Ambler Campus, Temple University, in Bright Hall and the Ambler Library, at 2:10 p.m. Carol Lang, President, presiding.

Welcomes to the Ambler Campus were given by Sandra Thompson (the Library) who introduced Dr. Patricia Bradley, Associate Dean, Ambler administration.

Business Meeting:

Minutes: There were no Minutes to review! New Librarian: Cathy Weng introduced Carla Davis Cunningham who started on February 19th as Copy Cataloging Coordinator in BSD, main campus (her background included Swarthmore and Drexel). University Librarian Report (Maureen Pastine):

She will soon (March 20-30) attend an academic publishing retreat in Italy with Lois Patton, Director of the University Press, where they will present a paper on the Press’ activities. She will then visit the Temple Rome campus and library.

Bottom Line, the journal concerned with finance of library activities, is expecting articles from her and Library staff concerning the procedures and costing concerns of the IMLS grant in which the system is currently involved.

She announced the approval of a second IMLS digitization grant, this time over $500,000.00; to begin after her return from Italy. She also announced that the attempt to acquire an NEH grant has fallen through, based on the poor performance by the Library and University on the 1986 NEH grant.

She noted the scheduling of the first meeting of the University Libraries/Temple University Press Executive Board (March 13th), at which Larry Kane, local CBS newscaster, will attend as a member. During the luncheon for the Board members Larry will hold a book-signing in the Tuttleman lobby for his new book published by the Temple University Press.

Other announcements and comments: the Staff Appreciation Day will be scheduled soon, the Libraries’ Strategic Plan needs updating (an annual job), the Technology Plan was finished and submitted, the University’s Major Capital Campaign is starting and the Library is submitting its needs and interests to the program, the Staff Council met yesterday in which salary problems were discussed and the national as well as local difficulties in hiring, a problem ALA is addressing with a task force.

Question from the membership: Have we or will we reach our goals for the first IMLS grant?

Answer: No, found that we overestimated and IMLS has approved our dropping our expected digitizing work to 35,000 (was 150,000).

Question: Update on Virtual Temple?

Answer (MP and P. Myers): There will be no Virtual Temple for now. Too many problems were identified and the proposal has been dropped for the time being.

Question: Can you tell us who is on the Executive Board?

Answer: I will soon have a list for you. However, I could still use additional names to invite to join since the Board will meet only once or twice a year and all cannot attend meetings and they can help without attending meetings.

Two-Millionth Volume Celebration: C. Lang described the planned ceremony day for the 2Mth volume —

Stats for the 2Mth do not include holdings of the Law Library nor the HSC

There is and will be full coverage of the day by Temple’s What’s New and The Temple Times, AND Channel 3 TV. New signs are going up in the Paley/Tuttleman lobbies.

The theme of the event will be “Philadelphia” – with the 2Mth volume being the latest best seller of the Temple University Press: Larry Kane’s Philadelphia, the 1,999,999th volume being a 1798 Philadelphia City Directory, and the 2,000,001st volume being a CD ROM “Naturalization Records: Philadelphia, 1789-1880”.

The two-hour book signing by Larry Kane, in which we hope everyone will attend and buy a book or two, will provide royalties which will be donated to the Library/Press fund-raising efforts.

The afternoon will find the 2Mth Ceremony in the Lecture Hall where the principal books will be presented and Larry Kane will talk.

Search Committee Updates:

Science Librarian – too early to comment on.

Administrative Services has submitted requests for three Librarians so we will be able shortly to act upon them: Systems, Government Docs/Maps, and Subject Specialist/Ref. Humanities.

Annmarie Heldt of Human Relations has acknowledged the problems with their web site that M. Pastine has pointed out to her: positions not found, data disappearing, etc. She noted that they had been using an outside consulting firm for their web work

Staff Recognition Award:

M. Darby noted that the deadline for award submission is Friday, 9th March, and the submissions will be reviewed next week. The Committee is desirous of more submissions and it is permissible to nominate more than one staff member.

Leaves of Gold Exhibition: M. Darby noted the major exhibition at the Philadelphia Museum of Art: “Leaves of Gold. Treasures of Manuscript Illumination from Philadelphia Collections” which opens March 10th and runs through May 13th, 2001.

The exhibition is based on the work of retired Bryn Mawr Librarian James Tanis to locate and identify illuminated manuscripts in the collections of members of PACSCL, the Philadelphia Area Consortium of Special Collections Libraries. The majority of members will not be represented in the exhibition, but Temple University will be with one miniature painting from an administrative document. There will be a formal Museum catalogue of the exhibition, and a CD ROM produced.

AAL Documents-on-Line Proposal:

C. Weng initiated an open discussion of a proposal to place on the Web a limited number of documents and Minutes of the Assembly. A handout was distributed and discussion ensued over the contents of what is to be placed on the Web, the responsibility of entering and of updating the material, inter-linking the documents and a need for a task force to continue investigating the proposal.

The membership approved the proposal, several members agreed to work on the task force, all with the hope of accomplishing some placement on the web by August 2001.

Sandy Thompson proceeded with an historical presentation of Ambler, the origins and development of the educational site from its founding with two students in 1910 as the Horticultural School for Women through its fifty years as an independent school and its forty years as part of Temple University. The year-long celebrations at Ambler this year celebrating the 90 years since founding and the 40 years since its Temple connection heavily involve the graduates of the school. She reported on her and the campus committee’s work in the archives of the school and campus and explained the historical elements in the four panels hanging in Bright Hall prepared to graphically survey those years.

The meeting then continued in the Ambler Library where generous refreshments were served and the newly renovated library with its compact shelving was displayed for all to marvel at.

(Thanks are given to C. Weng for helping with the transportation logistics).

Tom Whitehead,

September 12, 2000

General Assembly Meeting Minutes

12 SEPTEMBER 2000 2:00 P.M.

(Carol Lang Presiding)

rev. 15 Nov. 2000

    1. Minutes of the Assembly Meeting of 9 May 2000 were not available.
    2. Cathy Weng introduced Anne Harlow who had started in June 2000 as our Performing Arts Subject Specialist (RIS/Collection Development). Anne is a graduate of Temple and Drexel and comes to us with working experience from Raleigh, N.C., The University of the Arts and the Curtis Institute.
    3. Andrea G. and Aslaku B. asked for revisions or additions to the election ballot and prepared for the election (below). Ballot for PARA slots: J. Chen, M. Darby, A. Goldstein and R. Lezenby; ballot for the vacancy on the Selection and Appointment Committee (Kennedy position): A. Berhanu and B. Congleton.
    4. University Librarian’s Report (Maureen Pastine):
        1. General Report:
          1. The Library’s proposal for acceptance of Internships from regional institutions, particularly Drexel, which had been written in November 1998 and has been sitting in Human Resources for the past year or so has now been approved. Twenty-five positions are being advertised and we hope to get good interns. It is a program wherein both the Library and the interns benefit. (See also IV, (c), below).
          2. (Confidential at time of report): The latest Temple Student Satisfaction Survey to be released soon show that the Library system was rated on top in every category.
          3. The Blitman Reading Room will in the future be known as the Blitman Resource Center and it and its Librarian will be reporting to the University Libraries.
          4. Merit and Promotion letters have still not been received and Maureen has written another letter to the Provost’s Office.
      1. Staff Documentation and Selling Oneself.
      2. Maureen noted that the professional staff of the University Libraries is great, but when she reads our reports, resumes, applications, etc., we are too modest – the staff is not selling itself well. She and the Provost’s Office are expecting more support information, more documentation, more self-praise, more out-side references, more positive attitude on selling oneself both administratively and personally. She gave a number of suggestions on how to do so and she distributed a three-page document she had prepared: “Presenting One Self Well in Annual Reports, PARA (Promotion, Appointment, and Regular Appointment), and Merit.”

      3. Questions for the University Librarian: the number of positions available for internships was questioned, i.e. 25? She and Carol Lang replied that many of the positions are multiple positions (same position descriptions but a number of internships could be hired for the same work), and also that we cannot afford to fill all 25 positions, approximately only 10 or 12 this year


    1. Election Results: Following a tie in the PARA voting and a runoff vote, the results were announced as:
      • Selection and Appointment: Aslaku Berhanu
      • PARA: Mark Darby and Jeannie Chen<


  1. Update on Search Committees:
    1. User Education Librarian (L. Lane): Three candidates have been selected for potential interviews, currently taking telephone references.
    2. Access Services Librarian (P. Myers): Only one candidate. Currently advertising to get more applicants.
    3. Electronic Resources Catalog Librarian and other BSD positions (L. E-Z.): having been losing candidates, candidates withdrawing from further consideration, etc.
    4. General discussion followed on the problems we are having of attracting and maintaining applicants to all our positions – advertising, salaries, contacts, position descriptions, etc. Group felt we need additional help on advertising and recruitment techniques. The consensus was to continue discussion on this in the future. It was also noted that the Internship Program might help in filling future full-time positions. 
    5. Topics for Discussion for future meetings: In an effort to have fuller professional discussion in AAL meetings on individual topics of interest, concern, and library-wide usefulness, the Steering Committee had asked for ideas and topics to be considered. A discussion followed at this point on possible topics, including: Copyright (G.S.) collections outside the libraries (G.S.) Digital Library/Ref. Service (S.S.) PALCI (P.M.) (B.W.) Needs of today’s students/Drexel? (L.E.-Z.) Technology directions of the University (B.W.) University Press (M.P.) End of the General Meeting, then:


      The formal AAL meeting was followed by a special presentation by the staff on “Digital Initiatives” currently on-going within the Libraries.

      Carol Lang gave a background presentation on the new IMLS grant on digitization followed by Byron Mayes and Phil D’Andrea giving screen examples of the newly started scanning and digitizing work being done on the neighborhood photographs in the McDowell Philadelphia Evening Bulletin Collection in Urban Archives. All being entered into Diamond (III). Then, Jeanne Chen showed the digitizing work being done at Ambler of horticulture slides currently on the Web.

      Finally, Penelope Myers gave an update and demonstration through Diamond of the electronic reserves currently being set up for the Fall semester.

      Meeting and Digital Initiatives presentation ended at 3:55 p.m.

      Tom Whitehead, Recorder

May 9, 2000


May 9, 2000

    1. Nominations and Elections Committee began the spring election process.
    2. Report of the University Librarian
        1. Reminder: all staff meeting and Staff Recognition Award is on Thursday May 11, 2000 from 2:00 P.M. – 4:00 P.M. in the Lecture hall
        2. Received approval for the IMLS grant for the Digital Imaging and Information Distribution Archive for $237,199.00. We will not know about the $500,00 grant submitted to the NEH until December 2000. This would be a 4-1 match, totaling $2.5 million to strengthen our ability to support humanities teaching, learning, research and community outreach activities.
        3. M. Jerrido and the Urban Archives received a grant from the family of the former last librarian of the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin to digitize selected clippings and photographs from that archive.
        4. Participating members of PACSCL (Philadelphia Area Consortium of Special Collection Libraries) received a grant of $110,000 from the Gladys Kreible Delmas Foundation to support an Encoded Archival Description Project.
          Urban Archives and Special Collections are members of PACSCL.
      1. Special Collections is included in a $167,000 grant from the Pew Charitable Trusts to support an exhibit of Philadelphia’s illuminated manuscripts during the spring of 2001.
      2. There are plans for Temple University Libraries to implement the PALCI (Pennsylvania Academic Library Consortium Initiative) URSA union catalog. 10 of the 28 libraries are already up and participating in this resource sharing. Full implementation should be completed by fall, 2000.
      3. The University Libraries have begun assisting the Norris Homes Library Project with books and technologies.


    1. Committee Reports:
        1. PARA presented by A.Berhanu
        2. Continuing Education, most of the committee had left Temple, so S.Stormont reported on the Tuttleman tour and other ideas for the next committee.
        3. Selection and Appointment, committee chair had left Temple, so S.Stormont reported that four positions were in the hiring process this year, with one hire starting June 1 for the reference position. The other reference position has been reopened, and the committee for the two bibliographic services positions is gathering information about the candidates.
        4. Merit Committee presented by M.Darby.
        5. Faculty Senate Library Committee presented by T.Whitehead.
        6. Faculty Senate presented by J.Kennedy.
        7. Nominations and Elections Committee presented by M.Darby. He reported on the results of the spring election:
            • Vice Chair/Chair elect: C.Weng
            • Recorder: T.Whitehead
            • Member at Large: S.Thompson
            • Faculty Senate Representative: S.Stormont
            • Selection and Appointment: J.Kennedy, L.Lane
            • Continuing Education: B.Mayes (2 year), G.Sneff
            • Nominations and Elections: A.Berhanu
          • Elected in the fall to PARA: R.Congleton, B.Wright
        8. Old Business: M.Jerrido reminded us that the deadline for the mini grant proposals was Friday May 12, 2000.
        9. New Business: modification to the Guidelines and Procedures for the Academic Assembly of Librarians Committee on Merit. This would not be a bylaws change, but a change to an internal working document for the Steering Committee as it considers membership for the Committee on Merit. Discussion on the proposed statement followed and after many suggestions were tendered, it was decided that the proposal would be tabled and brought back to the membership after revisions.
          There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
    2. Respectfully submitted,


      Sandra M. Thompson


      Recorder, Academic Assembly of Librarians


      [Steering Committee Meeting ensued]


      Present: C.Lang, S.Stormont(chair), S.Thompson


      After discussion, it was decided to reschedule the June joint meeting from June 13, 2000 to June 20, 2000. Incumbents should bring any paperwork that needs to be turned over to the incoming committee members.


      There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.


January 11, 2000


January 11, 2000

There being no further business the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,
Sandra M. Thompson

    1. Minutes of the November meeting were approved.
    2. Report of the University Librarian:
      1. Temple University is among other RLG institutions joining together to plan and develop a collaborative Cultural Materials Initiative for unique and rare materials. Members will pool access to these electronic resources.
      2. Temple University and other nationally recognized academic research libraries have been invited by Carnegie Mellon University to join the Consortium for a Scholarly Digital Archive. The aim of this consortium is to establish an electronic university library, with the aim of having all published works available electronically at any time, anywhere in the world, in any language.
      3. L. Cotilla and M. Pastine are involved in the planning for a new library, as part of the construction of a Learning Center at the Ambler campus.
      4. The reasons for the non-approval of the NEH Challenge Grant have been received. Concerns mentioned included the likelihood of our actually meeting the match, since we were unable to reach our goal in the earlier grant. Our long range planning was lauded, however, and revision and resubmission of the grant request for the May deadline was recommended.
      5. The circulation desk has been removed from Paley and the carpeting is being replaced. CIBaRS and Interlibrary Loan will be relocated soon, and the Laptop Rental Program will open sometime this semester.
      6. III implementation continues: the Law School went live on December 17, 1999 and 9,500 records from Podiatry have been added to the database.
      7. Art Papacostas has stated intent to assist the libraries with positions in the IMAARC initiative.


  1. Promotion and Regular Appointment Committee : deadline for promotion materials is February 15, 2000.
  2. Selection and Appointment Committee: M. Meola and C. Weng are the members on the Search Committee for the Music and Education Librarians.
  3. The Faculty Senate Library Committee: will again support the Staff Recognition Day for the Libraries.
  4. Merit Committee composition: the guidelines for membership on this committee need to be rewritten. We currently have only one L-4 on the staff. Discussion followed and statements were made that we should aim for distribution across the ranks, and that no one should have to serve consecutive terms on this committee. P.Myers and C.Lang will present draft statements to the Steering Committee. These drafts will be discussed, edited, etc., and a proposal for the new guidelines will be presented to the General Assembly at the March meeting.
  5. Old Business: none
  6. New Business: announcements were made: a tour and orientation to the classrooms and equipment at Tuttleman will be held tomorrow for any interested librarians; and a reminder that the retirement party for Edith Hampel will be on January 28, 2000.

May 11, 1999

General Assembly Meeting Minutes

May 11, 1999

    1. Minutes of the March meeting were approved pending edits and revisions.
    2. Report of the University Librarian
      1. An NEH grant proposal has been written. Many people in the library system and the university assisted in this effort. We asked for 1/2 million dollars, meaning we will have to raise 2 million dollars. The funds will be used for the purchase of library resources and electronic access; an exhibit gallery and lecture space; equipment monies for digitization; and temporary staff to catalog scattered collections around the university.
      2. A grant proposal is also being written for the federal government for digital equipment for preservation, access and retrieval uses. Two-thirds of the money would be raised by the state and the university, and one-third would come from the government.
      3. Thanks to Laila El-Zein and the working groups for all the work necessary to bring up the first part of III at the end of this month.
      4. D. C.Tucker and F.Immler, with the Administrative Council, are working on a document to move the current subject selectors toward a broad faculty liaison relationship. This would be a more interdisciplinary and collaborative relationship than we currently have.
      5. Kardon Building: its use for us is still questionable, because other university departments are also interested in its available space.
      6. Technology Plans: schools and colleges should be working with the libraries and the librarians on these documents. The proposals have been reviewed and are being passed on to the appropriate places.
      7. Academic planning and other draft strategic reports of the university are due sometime in May, and the final reports will be released in the fall.
      8. Summer projects in the library:
        1. sprinkler system installed
        2. work on space in Tuttleman
        3. move Special Collections and Administrative Services on the mezzanine
        4. L.Cotilla and M.Pastine are working on a proposal for the Ambler Library.
        5. a team will be working on Tyler space concerns
        6. vacant positions in the system: F.Immler has been hired as the Chief Collection Development Officer; Head, Science and Engineering Libraries is being negotiated; the Search Committee for Head, Systems and Information Technology is moving quickly and has narrowed the applicant pool
        7. serials vendor review in June; this is an informal review and four vendors are scheduled: SWETS, Faxon, Blackwell and Ebsco
        8. reorganization issues: both piecemeal and broader issues remain
        9. M.Pastine will be attending a Dean’s Retreat on May 29, 1999
    3. Annual Reports of the Standing Committees: the reports were read or summarized and submitted to the Chair for the archives
    4. Old Business: M.Jerrido has completed updating of the AAL documents and files and has placed the materials to be turned over in June in an archival box.
    5. New Business:


    Election results:

    • Vice Chair/Chair-elect C.Lang
    • Steering Committee Member at Large P.Myers
    • Selection and Appointment Committee G.McKinney C.Weng
    • Continuing Education Committee F.Immler (2 yrs) L.Lane (1 yr)
    • Nominations and Elections Committee A.Goldstein(2 yrs)


Respectfully Submitted Sandra M. Thompson Recorder Academic Assembly of Librarians

January 12, 1999


January 12, 1999

    1. Approval of Minutes for November 10, 1998
      • The minutes were approved pending corrections.
    2. II. Report of the University Librarian
      1. Technology Plan: the Technology Plan/1999-2000 was delivered to Art Papacostas by the due date of December 31, 1998. The plan has been made available via many means, including a quick click on our home page.
      2. Open library positions:
        • Head, Library Systems and Technology: the draft position description has been completed and reflects a wider range of responsibilities. This draft has been delivered to Art Papacostas.
        • Chief Collection Development Officer: three candidates have been interviewed and one candidate was unanimously recommended and has been contacted concerning the position.
        • Head, Engineering and Science Libraries: candidate interviews are scheduled for January.
        • Systems: the staff position vacated by Gary Dahlin is currently being filled.
      3. Remote storage facility is on hold: the Health Sciences Libraries and the Law Library are also out of room and are interested in remote storage.
      4. Tuttleman construction: breakthrough from the library to Tuttleman should occur during intersession.
      5. The RLG Shares Roundtable is being hosted at Paley Library during the ALA midwinter conference.


    1. Old Business
      1. Staff Recognition Award: nominations are due January 29, 1999. The first award recipient will be introduced at a public library function.
      2. George Brightbill is retiring on January 29, and a reception will be held in his honor on January 27.


  1. New Business
    1. The installation of the new computers will be handled by computer services.
    2. The library did sign off for the indexing portion of III, and the data load has begun.


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,
Sandra M. Thompson
[Recorder, AAL]

November 10, 1998


General Assembly Meeting Minutes

November 10, 1998

    1. Approval of Minutes for September 8, 1998

The minutes were approved.

  • Report of the University Librarian
      1. Vacant positions

    Chief of Collection Development committee will be submitting 3 candidates for recommendation for interviews Head, Science & Engineering/Architecture Libraries: committee has recommended 2 candidates for interviews Harrisburg Library/SIC Coordinator: P. Myers and K. Kramer are interviewing 3 librarians Other vacant positions are being held open and looked at in light of restructuring/differing relationships.

  • Restructuring/Reorganization of the Libraries Administrative Council has about 50 items to peruse, then will choose priority items to work on, then open the discussion for additional input.
  • Tuttleman Learning Center: M. Henderson, I. Bayard, L. El Zein and C. Tucker will be meeting with M. Pastine on planning and issues concerning this building and its uses.
  • Library Policies Manual: Library policies are being updated and will be available soon on the web
  • PALCI: 23 of 28 library members have agreed to on-site faculty borrowing and Temple is one of those participating members, but we have not yet joined the ILL/photocopying piece of the agreement
  • University External Issues: on December 2 and 3 Temple is sponsoring forums on challenges facing the University and will be followed on February 5 by a forum on Internal issues. The discussions are part of the development of a new academic strategic plan. M. Pastine sent a copy of a survey to AAL members to list library concerns and issues.
  • Other: M. Pastine is meeting with I. Bayard and J. Falkenstein to discuss physical plant problems and renovations in Paley. The remote storage facility at the Kardon building will be discussed, and both Health Sciences and Law have expressed interest in space at this facility.



  • Implementation Update (L. El Zein)
    1. Only 4 out of 277 shelf list drawers remain to be done in the barcoding/inventory project
    2. Records sent to Marcive for authority control should be sent directly from them to III via ftp around December 1, 1998. The Blockson records did not make it and will be resent to Marcive.
    3. Vendors should respond to the RFP for the retrospective conversion by the end of this week.
    4. The Unix server for the new system has been received and is in the systems office.
    5. The forms have been returned to III concerning the indexing, data mapping and online display for the new system, circulation forms will be returned by November 20.
    6. Approximately 50,000 records will be extracted to make up a test database by the end of this week. Training will take place December 7-9 for testing this sample database. Testing is critical, anything we want to modify after we sign off on the system will be charged. The sign off date is set for January 7, 1999. Data load should be completed by February 5, 1999. Circulation training will take place February 8, cataloging training February 15 and circulation information should be loaded February 25 -March 1.
    7. Acquisitions and Serials will be brought up in April. The Health Sciences records need to be cleaned up and loaded, and Law will be the last to come up on the system. We should be completely off the GEAC system by March 8, 1999 when we go live with circulation, the online catalog and cataloging on the new system. We will extract a gap tape because our information exchange will take place in three phases: the bib file will be loaded, then the holdings, then the gap tape.



  • Old business
    1. The AAL manual will be updated at the end of the year when all standing committee have worked and updated their policies and forwarded their revisions to the steering committee.
    2. Outstanding annual reports of last year’s committees: Nominations and Elections, Merit and the Senate Library Committee.



  • New business
    1. Reminder about the Staff Recognition Award.
    2. Continuing Education presentation is on Thursday.



  • Meeting was adjourned.



Respectfully submitted,
Sandra M. Thompson, Recorder, AAL

September 8, 1998

General Assembly Meeting Minutes (Draft)

September 8, 1998

    1. Approval of Minutes for May 12, 1998
    2. The minutes were approved.

    3. PARA election
    4. Al Vara and Mark Darby distributed, collected and counted ballots and Aslaku Berhanu and Al Vara were elected to the two open positions.

    5. Report of the University Librarian (delivered by I. Bayard)
      1. Library Management System
      2. Innovative Interfaces, Inc. has been selected for the new Library Management System, and the contract has been signed. L. El Zein is heading the Library Implementation group. Eric Willis has been contracted to assist with the database conversion/clean-up for the BPS, Circulation, Acquisitions and Serials check-in records. Beth Ten Have has been selected for a temporary position for the next 8-10 months to assist with the implementation and the staff training. P. D’Andrea is chairing a task force to name the new system. The RFP for authority control processing was sent to Purchasing on August 18. An RFP for retrospective conversion is in the process of being completed before submission to Purchasing. I. Bayard is working with Computer and Information Services on setting up in-house training sessions for Windows and Microsoft Word.

      3. Copyright and Reserves
      4. The Libraries have approved a reserves copyright policy, available on our Website. The Website also has additional general copyright information.

      5. Mission, Vision, Values, Goals and Objectives
      6. The Libraries’ Mission, Vision, Values, Goals and Objectives are now available on our Website to anyone within the University and outside of it. The action plans are only available to the Temple community.

      7. Budget Reallocation/Serials Cancellation Project
      8. The final listing of serials cancellations is up on our Website. In relation to the budget reallocation process of the serials cancellation project, the Collection Development Committee is compiling a list of requested new electronic products. A task force is working on evaluating document delivery suppliers in relation to the serials cancellation project. Decisions will be made, and faculty and graduate students will be notified prior to January of 1999, when the cancellations go into effect.

      9. Space Planning and Renovation
      10. All of the science libraries and the Engineering and Architecture Library have received renovations. Zahn Library is scheduled for renovation over Christmas. The Tuttleman Learning Center is scheduled for opening in June of 1999. Plans for internal renovations/relocations in Paley are currently underway.

      11. Graduate Board
      12. The University Librarian has been appointed to the Program Review Committee of the Graduate Board. It reviews plans for new degree programs, prior to their submission to the Graduate Board and the Board of Trustees.


  1. AAL Policies and Procedures Manual Update
  2. M. Jerrido will revise, update and organize the manual. M. Darby recommended she check the AAL disk for updates, changes may already have been made, but not printed.

  3. Old Business
  4. M. Jerrido remarked that several annual reports of the AAL Committees are still outstanding from last year. M. Darby stated that he would check to see if any were turned in to him.

  5. New Business
  6. Volunteers are still needed to assist in the staffing of the Harrisburg library. P. Myers is currently interviewing candidates for the position.


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.

Sandra M. Thompson
Recorder, AAL