September 8, 1998

General Assembly Meeting Minutes (Draft)

September 8, 1998

    1. Approval of Minutes for May 12, 1998
    2. The minutes were approved.

    3. PARA election
    4. Al Vara and Mark Darby distributed, collected and counted ballots and Aslaku Berhanu and Al Vara were elected to the two open positions.

    5. Report of the University Librarian (delivered by I. Bayard)
      1. Library Management System
      2. Innovative Interfaces, Inc. has been selected for the new Library Management System, and the contract has been signed. L. El Zein is heading the Library Implementation group. Eric Willis has been contracted to assist with the database conversion/clean-up for the BPS, Circulation, Acquisitions and Serials check-in records. Beth Ten Have has been selected for a temporary position for the next 8-10 months to assist with the implementation and the staff training. P. D’Andrea is chairing a task force to name the new system. The RFP for authority control processing was sent to Purchasing on August 18. An RFP for retrospective conversion is in the process of being completed before submission to Purchasing. I. Bayard is working with Computer and Information Services on setting up in-house training sessions for Windows and Microsoft Word.

      3. Copyright and Reserves
      4. The Libraries have approved a reserves copyright policy, available on our Website. The Website also has additional general copyright information.

      5. Mission, Vision, Values, Goals and Objectives
      6. The Libraries’ Mission, Vision, Values, Goals and Objectives are now available on our Website to anyone within the University and outside of it. The action plans are only available to the Temple community.

      7. Budget Reallocation/Serials Cancellation Project
      8. The final listing of serials cancellations is up on our Website. In relation to the budget reallocation process of the serials cancellation project, the Collection Development Committee is compiling a list of requested new electronic products. A task force is working on evaluating document delivery suppliers in relation to the serials cancellation project. Decisions will be made, and faculty and graduate students will be notified prior to January of 1999, when the cancellations go into effect.

      9. Space Planning and Renovation
      10. All of the science libraries and the Engineering and Architecture Library have received renovations. Zahn Library is scheduled for renovation over Christmas. The Tuttleman Learning Center is scheduled for opening in June of 1999. Plans for internal renovations/relocations in Paley are currently underway.

      11. Graduate Board
      12. The University Librarian has been appointed to the Program Review Committee of the Graduate Board. It reviews plans for new degree programs, prior to their submission to the Graduate Board and the Board of Trustees.


  1. AAL Policies and Procedures Manual Update
  2. M. Jerrido will revise, update and organize the manual. M. Darby recommended she check the AAL disk for updates, changes may already have been made, but not printed.

  3. Old Business
  4. M. Jerrido remarked that several annual reports of the AAL Committees are still outstanding from last year. M. Darby stated that he would check to see if any were turned in to him.

  5. New Business
  6. Volunteers are still needed to assist in the staffing of the Harrisburg library. P. Myers is currently interviewing candidates for the position.


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.

Sandra M. Thompson
Recorder, AAL

This entry was posted in Minutes.