January 12, 1999


January 12, 1999

    1. Approval of Minutes for November 10, 1998
      • The minutes were approved pending corrections.
    2. II. Report of the University Librarian
      1. Technology Plan: the Technology Plan/1999-2000 was delivered to Art Papacostas by the due date of December 31, 1998. The plan has been made available via many means, including a quick click on our home page.
      2. Open library positions:
        • Head, Library Systems and Technology: the draft position description has been completed and reflects a wider range of responsibilities. This draft has been delivered to Art Papacostas.
        • Chief Collection Development Officer: three candidates have been interviewed and one candidate was unanimously recommended and has been contacted concerning the position.
        • Head, Engineering and Science Libraries: candidate interviews are scheduled for January.
        • Systems: the staff position vacated by Gary Dahlin is currently being filled.
      3. Remote storage facility is on hold: the Health Sciences Libraries and the Law Library are also out of room and are interested in remote storage.
      4. Tuttleman construction: breakthrough from the library to Tuttleman should occur during intersession.
      5. The RLG Shares Roundtable is being hosted at Paley Library during the ALA midwinter conference.


    1. Old Business
      1. Staff Recognition Award: nominations are due January 29, 1999. The first award recipient will be introduced at a public library function.
      2. George Brightbill is retiring on January 29, and a reception will be held in his honor on January 27.


  1. New Business
    1. The installation of the new computers will be handled by computer services.
    2. The library did sign off for the indexing portion of III, and the data load has begun.


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,
Sandra M. Thompson
[Recorder, AAL]

This entry was posted in Minutes.