May 11, 1999

General Assembly Meeting Minutes

May 11, 1999

    1. Minutes of the March meeting were approved pending edits and revisions.
    2. Report of the University Librarian
      1. An NEH grant proposal has been written. Many people in the library system and the university assisted in this effort. We asked for 1/2 million dollars, meaning we will have to raise 2 million dollars. The funds will be used for the purchase of library resources and electronic access; an exhibit gallery and lecture space; equipment monies for digitization; and temporary staff to catalog scattered collections around the university.
      2. A grant proposal is also being written for the federal government for digital equipment for preservation, access and retrieval uses. Two-thirds of the money would be raised by the state and the university, and one-third would come from the government.
      3. Thanks to Laila El-Zein and the working groups for all the work necessary to bring up the first part of III at the end of this month.
      4. D. C.Tucker and F.Immler, with the Administrative Council, are working on a document to move the current subject selectors toward a broad faculty liaison relationship. This would be a more interdisciplinary and collaborative relationship than we currently have.
      5. Kardon Building: its use for us is still questionable, because other university departments are also interested in its available space.
      6. Technology Plans: schools and colleges should be working with the libraries and the librarians on these documents. The proposals have been reviewed and are being passed on to the appropriate places.
      7. Academic planning and other draft strategic reports of the university are due sometime in May, and the final reports will be released in the fall.
      8. Summer projects in the library:
        1. sprinkler system installed
        2. work on space in Tuttleman
        3. move Special Collections and Administrative Services on the mezzanine
        4. L.Cotilla and M.Pastine are working on a proposal for the Ambler Library.
        5. a team will be working on Tyler space concerns
        6. vacant positions in the system: F.Immler has been hired as the Chief Collection Development Officer; Head, Science and Engineering Libraries is being negotiated; the Search Committee for Head, Systems and Information Technology is moving quickly and has narrowed the applicant pool
        7. serials vendor review in June; this is an informal review and four vendors are scheduled: SWETS, Faxon, Blackwell and Ebsco
        8. reorganization issues: both piecemeal and broader issues remain
        9. M.Pastine will be attending a Dean’s Retreat on May 29, 1999
    3. Annual Reports of the Standing Committees: the reports were read or summarized and submitted to the Chair for the archives
    4. Old Business: M.Jerrido has completed updating of the AAL documents and files and has placed the materials to be turned over in June in an archival box.
    5. New Business:


    Election results:

    • Vice Chair/Chair-elect C.Lang
    • Steering Committee Member at Large P.Myers
    • Selection and Appointment Committee G.McKinney C.Weng
    • Continuing Education Committee F.Immler (2 yrs) L.Lane (1 yr)
    • Nominations and Elections Committee A.Goldstein(2 yrs)


Respectfully Submitted Sandra M. Thompson Recorder Academic Assembly of Librarians

This entry was posted in Minutes.