May 9, 2000


May 9, 2000

    1. Nominations and Elections Committee began the spring election process.
    2. Report of the University Librarian
        1. Reminder: all staff meeting and Staff Recognition Award is on Thursday May 11, 2000 from 2:00 P.M. – 4:00 P.M. in the Lecture hall
        2. Received approval for the IMLS grant for the Digital Imaging and Information Distribution Archive for $237,199.00. We will not know about the $500,00 grant submitted to the NEH until December 2000. This would be a 4-1 match, totaling $2.5 million to strengthen our ability to support humanities teaching, learning, research and community outreach activities.
        3. M. Jerrido and the Urban Archives received a grant from the family of the former last librarian of the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin to digitize selected clippings and photographs from that archive.
        4. Participating members of PACSCL (Philadelphia Area Consortium of Special Collection Libraries) received a grant of $110,000 from the Gladys Kreible Delmas Foundation to support an Encoded Archival Description Project.
          Urban Archives and Special Collections are members of PACSCL.
      1. Special Collections is included in a $167,000 grant from the Pew Charitable Trusts to support an exhibit of Philadelphia’s illuminated manuscripts during the spring of 2001.
      2. There are plans for Temple University Libraries to implement the PALCI (Pennsylvania Academic Library Consortium Initiative) URSA union catalog. 10 of the 28 libraries are already up and participating in this resource sharing. Full implementation should be completed by fall, 2000.
      3. The University Libraries have begun assisting the Norris Homes Library Project with books and technologies.


    1. Committee Reports:
        1. PARA presented by A.Berhanu
        2. Continuing Education, most of the committee had left Temple, so S.Stormont reported on the Tuttleman tour and other ideas for the next committee.
        3. Selection and Appointment, committee chair had left Temple, so S.Stormont reported that four positions were in the hiring process this year, with one hire starting June 1 for the reference position. The other reference position has been reopened, and the committee for the two bibliographic services positions is gathering information about the candidates.
        4. Merit Committee presented by M.Darby.
        5. Faculty Senate Library Committee presented by T.Whitehead.
        6. Faculty Senate presented by J.Kennedy.
        7. Nominations and Elections Committee presented by M.Darby. He reported on the results of the spring election:
            • Vice Chair/Chair elect: C.Weng
            • Recorder: T.Whitehead
            • Member at Large: S.Thompson
            • Faculty Senate Representative: S.Stormont
            • Selection and Appointment: J.Kennedy, L.Lane
            • Continuing Education: B.Mayes (2 year), G.Sneff
            • Nominations and Elections: A.Berhanu
          • Elected in the fall to PARA: R.Congleton, B.Wright
        8. Old Business: M.Jerrido reminded us that the deadline for the mini grant proposals was Friday May 12, 2000.
        9. New Business: modification to the Guidelines and Procedures for the Academic Assembly of Librarians Committee on Merit. This would not be a bylaws change, but a change to an internal working document for the Steering Committee as it considers membership for the Committee on Merit. Discussion on the proposed statement followed and after many suggestions were tendered, it was decided that the proposal would be tabled and brought back to the membership after revisions.
          There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
    2. Respectfully submitted,


      Sandra M. Thompson


      Recorder, Academic Assembly of Librarians


      [Steering Committee Meeting ensued]


      Present: C.Lang, S.Stormont(chair), S.Thompson


      After discussion, it was decided to reschedule the June joint meeting from June 13, 2000 to June 20, 2000. Incumbents should bring any paperwork that needs to be turned over to the incoming committee members.


      There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.


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