September 13, 2001


Meeting called to order at 2:10PM by the Chair: C. Weng

Present: C. Weng, M. Pastine, C. Lang, L. Lane, A Goldstein, C. Cunningham, G. McKinney, El Zein, P. Myers, T. Hoskisson, F. Rowland, J. Schoolar, B. Teske, S. Dreher, B. Wright, J. Chen, A. Vara, S. Stormont, M. Darby, G. Sneff , C. Brigham.


    1. Approval of May 2001 Minutes
    2. Assembly approved the Minutes as presented by Thomas Whitehead as they were E-mailed.

    3. Introduction of new librarians and IMLS Project Director: Hoskisson, Rowland, Schoolar, Teske, Dreher (Vara) As presented by the Vice-Chair, Vara (copies enclosed if you want the introductions as read to the Assembly)
    4. PARA Election (Berhanu)
    5. Berhanu not present: emergency; Ballots distributed by Myers.

    6. Report from University Librarian (Pastine)
    7. As presented by the U.L. (See enclosed Report)

    8. Discussion of Merit Award Process (Goldstein)
    9. Assembly discussed the topic; Are department heads to be included in the Merit process? The discussion seemed to favor that including department heads would not fulfill their duties (dept. heads) as peers of the librarians applying for merit. Some dept. heads present were for the inclusion, some against. The question will be remanded to the Steering Committee which meets on the 20th of September, room 309, at 2:00PM In addition, the entire the Merit process chronology is being pushed up, i.e., October might be the time when notices go out for those who want to apply. The U.L. has requested that all materials for merit be in her hands by February 15th. This will also be finalized by the Steering Committee on September 15th. It was important that merit is always for the previous fiscal year: for July 1 2000-June 30 2001.


    Merit process will include ‘yes’ or ‘no’ as a recommendation from the individual’s department head. Revised forms include a Merit Salary Award Nomination form; AAL Committee on Merit: Guidelines and Procedures form; Clarification of Performance Criteria form; Policy for Merit Awards for Librarians in the University Libraries form; Merit Committee Recommendation form; Merit Salary Award Supervisory Recommendation form. All these provisional forms will be decided at the next Steering Committee meeting, September 20th, 2001, 2:00PM, room 309, Paley Library.

  1. Brief announcement of future Assembly Meeting Forum topics (Weng)
  2. Suggestions: PALCI, (other topics encouraged). Also El Zein’s photographic survey of Alexandria to be re-scheduled (tentatively for November)

  3. PARA Election result (Berhanu)
  4. Myers reported the results: McKinney and Thompson were elected.



AAL Homepage Demonstration (Davis Cunningham, Mckinney) This interesting presentation was very well received by the Assembly. Discussion: Does the AAL want the AAL Minutes and other material of the AAL to be available to the entire Temple community? Someone suggested to place a password at this website: ‘’ so to restrict access ALA minutes except to members of the AAL. The Vice-Chair will keep the AAL minutes up to date on the website as well as other changes to the site. [as soon as Phil D’Andrea makes the necessary changes to his, AV’s, computer, and teaches the basics of HTML for editing the AAL page.]

AV/recorder for T.W.

This entry was posted in Minutes.