November 10, 1998


General Assembly Meeting Minutes

November 10, 1998

    1. Approval of Minutes for September 8, 1998

The minutes were approved.

  • Report of the University Librarian
      1. Vacant positions

    Chief of Collection Development committee will be submitting 3 candidates for recommendation for interviews Head, Science & Engineering/Architecture Libraries: committee has recommended 2 candidates for interviews Harrisburg Library/SIC Coordinator: P. Myers and K. Kramer are interviewing 3 librarians Other vacant positions are being held open and looked at in light of restructuring/differing relationships.

  • Restructuring/Reorganization of the Libraries Administrative Council has about 50 items to peruse, then will choose priority items to work on, then open the discussion for additional input.
  • Tuttleman Learning Center: M. Henderson, I. Bayard, L. El Zein and C. Tucker will be meeting with M. Pastine on planning and issues concerning this building and its uses.
  • Library Policies Manual: Library policies are being updated and will be available soon on the web
  • PALCI: 23 of 28 library members have agreed to on-site faculty borrowing and Temple is one of those participating members, but we have not yet joined the ILL/photocopying piece of the agreement
  • University External Issues: on December 2 and 3 Temple is sponsoring forums on challenges facing the University and will be followed on February 5 by a forum on Internal issues. The discussions are part of the development of a new academic strategic plan. M. Pastine sent a copy of a survey to AAL members to list library concerns and issues.
  • Other: M. Pastine is meeting with I. Bayard and J. Falkenstein to discuss physical plant problems and renovations in Paley. The remote storage facility at the Kardon building will be discussed, and both Health Sciences and Law have expressed interest in space at this facility.



  • Implementation Update (L. El Zein)
    1. Only 4 out of 277 shelf list drawers remain to be done in the barcoding/inventory project
    2. Records sent to Marcive for authority control should be sent directly from them to III via ftp around December 1, 1998. The Blockson records did not make it and will be resent to Marcive.
    3. Vendors should respond to the RFP for the retrospective conversion by the end of this week.
    4. The Unix server for the new system has been received and is in the systems office.
    5. The forms have been returned to III concerning the indexing, data mapping and online display for the new system, circulation forms will be returned by November 20.
    6. Approximately 50,000 records will be extracted to make up a test database by the end of this week. Training will take place December 7-9 for testing this sample database. Testing is critical, anything we want to modify after we sign off on the system will be charged. The sign off date is set for January 7, 1999. Data load should be completed by February 5, 1999. Circulation training will take place February 8, cataloging training February 15 and circulation information should be loaded February 25 -March 1.
    7. Acquisitions and Serials will be brought up in April. The Health Sciences records need to be cleaned up and loaded, and Law will be the last to come up on the system. We should be completely off the GEAC system by March 8, 1999 when we go live with circulation, the online catalog and cataloging on the new system. We will extract a gap tape because our information exchange will take place in three phases: the bib file will be loaded, then the holdings, then the gap tape.



  • Old business
    1. The AAL manual will be updated at the end of the year when all standing committee have worked and updated their policies and forwarded their revisions to the steering committee.
    2. Outstanding annual reports of last year’s committees: Nominations and Elections, Merit and the Senate Library Committee.



  • New business
    1. Reminder about the Staff Recognition Award.
    2. Continuing Education presentation is on Thursday.



  • Meeting was adjourned.



Respectfully submitted,
Sandra M. Thompson, Recorder, AAL

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