Women in Core Conference

Welcome to Women in Core! While it’s clear that more texts by and about women appear on core text syllabi than ever, integrating women into core curricula continues to present special challenges and opportunities. The next two days promise a rich array of considerations: we will hear arguments for the inclusion of texts by women authors or about women characters in curricula that still emphasize canonical works by men. We will strategize ways to expand our syllabi. We will take up questions concerning the canon and the archive, the dynamics of gender identity in the classroom and in publishing, critical developments in feminism and gender studies, and intersectionality. Building on the success of six panels hosted at 2017 conference of the Association of Core Texts and Courses, the Intellectual Heritage Program at Temple University, in collaboration with ACTC and the Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies Program, has invited scholars and university professionals from across the country to address these and other issues. We’re glad you’ve chosen to join us in this important project.

Hosted by the Intellectual Heritage Program at Temple University

Co-Sponsored by the Association of Core Texts and Courses (ACTC)

Supported by Temple’s Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies Program

For more information, contact

Dr. Genevieve Amaral, Associate Director for Special Programs, Intellectual Heritage Program

Email g.amaral@temple.edu