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Cepstral Peak Prominence (CPP) in Praat

One of the most important factors to consider when using CPP is consistency!! Below we have made available our Praat scripts to calculate CPP with and without voice detection. As Praat is a free program and this script adapts to other open-source information, we hope this script will be helpful for both clinic and research. See additional information on CPP here

Access Praat CPP scripts and data here!


  • Scripts – that provide both CPP-Full and CPP-Voice values
  • Readme instructions
  • Scripts for both single file and batch analysis
  • CPP values for subjects in the PVQD database

High-Quality Acoustic Recording and Analysis

Watch Dr. Heller Murray discuss the keys to conducting high-quality acoustic recordings and analysis.

What Nasal Endoscopy Can Tell Us About Voice Health

What to see what a nasal endoscopy looks like? Want to understands what is going on during speech and sustained voice? Then check out this video of Dr. Liz Heller Murray performing nasal endoscopy on Dr. Cara Stepp (Boston University)

Book Chapters

Heller Murray, E.S., Harvey Woodnorth, G. Clinical Approach to Acoustic Assessment. In McMurray, J.S., Hoffman, M.R., Braden, M.N. (Eds.) Multidisciplinary Management of Pediatric Voice and Swallowing Disorders, Springer International Publishing

Heller Murray, E.S.,Harvey Woodnorth, G. Clinical Approach to Aerodynamic Assessment. In McMurray, J.S., Hoffman, M.R., Braden, M.N. (Eds.) Multidisciplinary Management of Pediatric Voice and Swallowing Disorders ,Springer International Publishing