Welcome to the Vocal Development Lab website! We are located in the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders in the College of Public Health at Temple University. Our work focuses on voice disorders across the lifespan, with a special emphasis on the development of voice and speech in children with and without communication disorders.

One of our primary aims is to improve the treatment of children with voice disorders. To do this, we must understand how voice, speech, and perception develop during childhood. Our goals are to understand why some children have differences in their vocal control and how this relates to other aspects of communication development. Directed by Dr. Liz Heller Murray, the Vocal Development Lab strives to make voice therapy for children more effective, efficient, and accessible.
Recent News
- Check out a day in the life of an RA!Tag along as Sari, one of our undergraduate research assistants, shows you a behind the scenes look into the Vocal Development Lab!
- Congratulations to our 2024 graduates!Congrats to Terra Baptiste on her BA in Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences and certificate in American Sign Language! Best of luck at the University…
- Congrats to our grads!Congrats to the VDL 2022 graduates! We are so excited for your next steps!
- Congratulations to Lauren Colletti on her successful Master’s Thesis Defense!Lauren Colletti successfully defended her Master’s Thesis titled “Voice Onset Time in Children with and without Vocal Fold Nodules” Congratulations, Lauren!! We can’t wait to…
- Motor Speech 2022Although we couldn’t make it to Motor Speech 2022 this year, our poster did! Check out the poster from Dr. Heller Murray, Andie Chao, and…
- Congratulations to Lauren Colletti on a successful defense of her MA thesis prospectus !Congratulations to lab member Lauren Colletti who defended her MA thesis prospectus entitled “Voice Onset Time in Children With and Without Vocal Fold Nodules.” Lauren…
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