Why Should I Join Theta Tau?
People join Theta Tau for many different reasons:
- Networking
- Improve professional skills
- Get help in engineering courses
- Parking close to campus
- Friends attend rush events
- Want to get involved on campus
People stay involved in Theta Tau for many reasons:
- Leadership opportunities
- Lifelong friendship and brotherhood
- Service to the local community
- Home away from home
- Fun experiences and opportunites
- Lifetime memories
how do i join theta tau?

At Temple University, Theta Tau has an open rush process. That means that anyone is free to attend our rush events.
We have rush events within the first few weeks of each fall and spring semester. Before the start of each semester, rush events are posted on our instagram @tuthetatau.
The purpose of rush is to determine if you like our organization and our members. If you are interested in joining, then try to attend as many rush events as possible.
If you have any questions about rush, feel free to send an email to temple.theta.tau@gmail.com
After the rushing process, the chapter will vote on all rushees. You will be contacted after the rushing process and can either accept or decline the bid. If you accept, you will attend a pinning ceremony in which you will officially become a pledge of Pi Epsilon chapter.
PNM-ship is a 10-week long process that prepares pledges for membership and shows them what it is to be a member of Theta Tau.
Each week there is a new member education meeting that will cover material and knowledge needed to become a member of Theta Tau, as well as help prepare you for your professional career as an engineer.
You will also be assigned a big brother to help you through the process and introduce you to the workings of Pi Epsilon chapter. You will play a part in deciding who your big will be after meeting the potential candidates.
After learning about Theta Tau and what it means to be a member, completing service events, chapter events, and being involved as PNM, you can be voted in by the chapter and become initiated as a member. Once you complete the education process and become a brother, you will enjoy all of the rights benefits of membership in a national engineering organization.

Do I have to be in engineering?
Yes, you must be a student of the college of engineering, including first year students in ENGR.
What if I change my major from engineering?
As long as you are a declared engineering major at the time of initiation, you will be a member for life, regardless of any decision to change your major. While we focus on engineering and the majority of our members complete degrees in engineering, we do have members that have changed to other degrees.
Can I rush if I’m involved in other organizations such as the Diamond Marching Band, club sports, or other groups?
Yes, you will be expected to attend some events and to put forth an effort, but we will work around your schedule to help ensure that you can balance both groups. We also encourage anyone that drops due to time management constraints to come back when they have more time or are better at managing their time.
How much time does the PNM process require?
Mandatory meetings 1 to 2 hours per week, with several hours of optional activities also occurring each week. The amount of time put in will vary from person to person, but we recommend setting aside at least 2 hours per week.
How much does it cost to enter the PNM process/become a member?
There is a $75 PNM fee that covers the cost of any activities you do over the semester, such as food, regional conference registration and transportation, Big Brother activities, etc. as well as the fee that the national organization charges all PNM. There is an additional $75 initiation fee from nationals totaling $145 your first semester.
How much does it cost to be a member each semester?
As a member, dues each semester are $125. These dues pay for activities throughout the semester such as cookouts, family dinners, camping, and more; and the national dues to keep the national organization running.
What if I can’t afford to pay dues or fees?
There are options available for members that cannot currently afford dues or fees. A payment plan can always be setup with the Treasurer to spread the cost of dues or fees out across a semester or summer to make it easier to pay.