About Us

Welcome to the Middle East and North Africa Study Group!  We are a productive network of scholars and researchers from various humanities and social science departments at Temple University.  Our goal is to advance a broader public understanding of the region from diverse perspectives, to share insights and materials to enhance scholarship and teaching, and finally to promote peace and knowledge through convening academic events and workshops.

Since 2012-13, we have been hosted by the Center for Humanities at Temple University (CHAT).  Since 2015-16, we have received funding from the Office of the President’s Arts and Humanities Research Program in our new guise as the Middle East Initiative.  We have received also event-level support from CHAT, the Department of Political Science, the Department of History, CENFAD, the Global Studies Program, and the Tyler School of Art.  We are also grateful for pilot grant support from the United States Institute for Peace under their Institutional Peacebuilding Initiative.