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Category: Know the Law

What happens to my children if I die or become very sick?

If you have young children, you may worry about what will happen to them if you become too sick to take care of them, or if you die. There are steps you can take to make sure your children are taken care of by someone you know and trust. However, you must fill out some important legal forms to make sure people know which person you want to care for your children.


This post will explain to you the steps you must take.

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Getting SSI or Social Security faster with stage 4 cancer or other very serious illnesses: asking for a Compassionate Allowance

You can get Social Security to decide your SSI or Social Security application more quickly if you convince Social Security to process your case as a “Compassionate Allowance” case.  If Social Security considers your case a Compassionate Allowance case, you do not win automatically—you still must prove that you have the condition and it impairs you enough to qualify. You also do not get higher benefits.  However, it can really help with the speed of the case and make the process much easier for you.

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