Volume 9, Number 2 (Fall 1995)


War Crimes Trials of German Industrialists: The “Other Schindlers”
Matthew Lippman

Armenian Constitutional Referendum: Towards a Democratic Process
Elizabeth F. Defeis

The Spratly “Rocks” Dispute–A “Rockapelago” Defies Norms of International Law
Dr. Barry Hart Dubner

Notes & Comments

Space Station Alpha: International Shining Star or Legal Black Hole?
Jesse B. Ashe, III

U.S. Health Care Reform: Some Lessons From Japanese Health Care Law and Practice
Dana Derham-Aoyana

The Balance of Nature and Human Needs in Antarctica: The Legality of Mining
Jonathan D. Weiss

China’s Choice: Tax Incentives to Fund Economic Development
Aliison E. Wielobob

Open Forum

Reconsidering Israel’s Destruction of Iraq’s Osiraq Nuclear Reactor
Louis Rene Beres & Col. Yoash Tsiddon-Chatto

Israel’s Destruction of Iraq’s Nuclear Reactor: A Reply
John Quigley

A Rejoinder
Louis Rene Beres


Volume 9, Number 1 (Spring 1995)



Whither Weltover: Has the U.S. Supreme Court Clarified or Confused the Exceptions Enumerated in the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act?
Mark B. Baker

An Overview of Legal and Financing Aspects for Doing Business in Hungary, Poland, and the Czech Republic
Sergio Salani & Jerry Sloan


Sale v. Haitian Centers Council and Its Aftermath: A Problematic Gap in International Immigration Law
Robert J. Williams

The Role of the IMF and the World Bank in Rebuilding the CIS
Irene A. Belot

Of Nations Small: The Small State in International Law
Daniel Orlow

United States Implementation of the Basel Convention: Time Keeps Ticking, Ticking Away
William N. Doyle

Book Reviews

A Trade Policy for Free Societies: The Case Against Protectionism
Wendy S. Habecker

Economic Public Policy and Jewish Law
Paige M. Malerman