Category: Volume 07

Volume 7, Number 2 (Fall 1993)


International Agreements Between the United State and Hong Kong Under the United States-Hong Kong Policy Act
Shawn B. Jensen

Cuba: Last Look at an Alternative Legal System
Paul Bernstein

Losing Jewels From the Crown: Considering the Future of the Monarchy in Australia and Canada
David Estep

Taking the Other Road: Polish Legal Education During the Past Thirty Years
Zbigniew Gostynski and Alan Garfield


A Global Initiative to Deter Drug Trafficking: Will Internationalizing the Drug War Work?
Sharon A. Gardner

The Impact of U.S. Tax Laws on the Future of Debt-For-Nature Swaps
Ruth Ann Flynn

United States v. Noriega: The Act of State Doctrine and the Relationship Between the Judiciary and the Executive
Bernard Ilkhanoff

United States v. Alvarez-Machain: Forcible Abduction as an Acceptable Alternative Means of Gaining Jurisdiction
Analisa W. Scrimger

Legal Analysis of the Kurile Island Dispute
Glen W. Price


Volume 7, Number 1 (Spring 1993)



Job Security in Poland: Economic Privatization Policy and Workplace Protections
Jackie Ruff

Lessons in Multilateral Negotiations: Creating a Remote Sensing Regime
Jefferson Hane Weaver

The Case of the Unreturned Goat: Dispute Resolution by a Mano Court in Liberia
Peter Sevareid

Exchange Rate Arrangements in the International Monetary Fund: The Fund as Lawgiver, Adviser, and Enforcer
Robert M. Barnett


Sharing the Gifts of the Nile: Establishment of a Legal Regime for Nile Waters Management
Lisa M. Jacobs

The North American Free Trade Agreement: The Integration of Free Trade and the Environment
Michael Robins

Book Reviews

U.S.-Amerikanisches Wirtschaftsrect/U.S. Business Law
Carol D. Rasnic

The Legislative History of the Carriage of Goods by Sea Act and the Travaux Préparatiores or the Hague Rules
Richard C. Mason