Volume 9, Number 2 (Fall 1995)


War Crimes Trials of German Industrialists: The “Other Schindlers”
Matthew Lippman

Armenian Constitutional Referendum: Towards a Democratic Process
Elizabeth F. Defeis

The Spratly “Rocks” Dispute–A “Rockapelago” Defies Norms of International Law
Dr. Barry Hart Dubner

Notes & Comments

Space Station Alpha: International Shining Star or Legal Black Hole?
Jesse B. Ashe, III

U.S. Health Care Reform: Some Lessons From Japanese Health Care Law and Practice
Dana Derham-Aoyana

The Balance of Nature and Human Needs in Antarctica: The Legality of Mining
Jonathan D. Weiss

China’s Choice: Tax Incentives to Fund Economic Development
Aliison E. Wielobob

Open Forum

Reconsidering Israel’s Destruction of Iraq’s Osiraq Nuclear Reactor
Louis Rene Beres & Col. Yoash Tsiddon-Chatto

Israel’s Destruction of Iraq’s Nuclear Reactor: A Reply
John Quigley

A Rejoinder
Louis Rene Beres