Volume 8, Number 2 (Fall 1994)


Trade Policy in the Computer Industry: Time for a Change
Robert W. McGee & Yeomin Yoon

The NAFTA Environmental Side Agreement: Implications for Environmental Cooperation, Trade Policy, and American Treatymaking
Steve Charnovitz

Into the Heart of the State: Intervention Through Constitution-Making
Viktor Mayer-Schönberger

The Maastricht Treaty and the Design of a European Federal State
Dieter Kugelmann


The World’s Forgotten Lesson: The Punishment of War Criminals in the Former Yugoslavia
Brenton L. Saungers

The Origin and Consequences of Recognizing Homosexuals as a “Particular Social Group” for Refugee Purposes
Brian F. Henes

The Palestinian Refugees of 1948: The Right to Compensation and Return
Yoav Tadmor

Biotechnology Protection in Japan, the European Community, and the United States
Akim F. Czmus

Book Review

The International Law and Practice of Early-Warning and Preventive Diplomacy
Daniel C. Turack