About the Projects

About the projects

The Suitcase Project
If someone opened the suitcase you brought with you to London, what would it reveal about you- your needs, values or dreams?

These videos are no longer available online

City Symphony
The City Symphony is a recognized genre of documentary filmmaking with such notable examples as Manhatta (Charles Sheeler and Paul Strand ,1921, USA), Man with a Movie Camera (Dziga Vertov, 1929, Ukraine), and In the Street (Helen Levitt, Janice Loeb, James Agee, 1948, USA).  How can one ‘capture’ the essence of a place? This collaborative ode to London attempts to do just this.

This video is available on Vimeo

Dada Posters
The dadaists used text for its graphic and expressive capabilities as well as to make political points, relay information, and create irony. What is London saying to you? What do you have to ‘say’ for yourself?

These dada posters are available online


Public Spaces/Public Art
Public art takes many forms- public installations, street theater and music or graffiti and other ‘guerrilla’ art work as well as established art such as commissioned sculptures and architecture. These one-shot video moments seek to document London’s public art, in all its forms.

These videos are no longer available online