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Schedule of Events

Time Activities
September 11 Day 1: Identify the gaps and challenges in the study of equity and well-being in Sustainable Urban Systems, with a focus on infrastructure systems along the urban-rural gradient
8:00-8:45am Registration and breakfast
8:45am-9:15am Opening Remarks
Michele Masucci, Vice President for Research, Temple University
Melissa Gilbert, Director, Center for Sustainable Communities, Temple University
Kay Wood, Producer and Host of Planet Philadelphia
9:15-11:00 am Setting the Framework: How infrastructure shapes equity along the urban-rural gradient.

Moderator: Victor Gutierrez, Assistant Professor of Geography and Urban Studies, Temple University

Catherine Brinkley, Assistant Professor, Community and Regional Development, UC Davis
Eduardo Brondízio , Distinguished Professor of Anthropology and Director, Center for the Analysis of Social-Ecological Landscapes (CASEL), Indiana University Bloomington
Hallie Eakin,  Professor and Senior Sustainability Scientist, Julie Ann Wrigley Global Institute of Sustainability, Arizona State University
Simi Hoque, Associate Professor of Engineering, Drexel University
Lara Roman, Research Ecologist, Philadelphia Field Station – Northern Research Station, USDA Forest Service
Gina South, Assistant Professor, Department of Emergency Medicine, University of Pennsylvania
11:00-11:15am Break
11:15am-12:30pm Case studies: How infrastructure shapes equity along the urban-rural gradient.

Moderator: Hamil Pearsall, Associate Professor of Geography and Urban Studies, Temple University

Brett Fusco, Manager, Office of Long-Range Planning, Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission
Erik Johanson, Director of Innovation, Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority
Christine Knapp, Director of the Office of Sustainability, City of Philadelphia
Nagiarry Porcena-Meneus, Community Organizer, Tookany/Tacony-Frankford Watershed Partnership, Inc.
Jerome Shabazz, Executive Director, Overbrook Environmental Education Center
Laura Toran, Professor of Earth and Environmental Science, Temple University
Russ Zerbo, Advocate at Clean Air Council
12:30-1:45 pm Lunch
Welcome: Richard Deeg, Dean, College of Liberal Arts, Temple University
Introduction: Sandra Suarez,  Senior Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs and Research, Temple University
Keynote: Leslie Richards, Secretary of Transportation, Pennsylvania Department of Transportation
1:45-2:15pm Synthesis of morning sessions on conceptualizations and case studies

Bill Solecki
, Professor of Geography at Hunter College and Founder Director, Emeritus, CUNY Institute for Sustainable Cities
Rachel Valletta, Environmental Scientist, Franklin Institute, Director of the Climate and Urban Systems Partnership
Tina Rosan
, Associate Professor of Geography and Urban Studies, Temple University
2:15-3:30pmBreak-out group discussions to identify frameworks, concepts, gaps/challenges in knowledge, data, and methods

Chair: Hamil Pearsall, Associate Professor of Geography and Urban Studies, Temple University

Infrastructure: Simi Hoque, Associate Professor of Engineering, Drexel University
Equity: Tina Rosan, Associate Professor of Geography and Urban Studies, Temple University
Health and Well-Being: Jeremy Mennis, Professor of Geography and Urban Studies, Temple University
Co-Production of Knowledge: Bill Solecki, Professor of Geography and Environmental Science, Hunter College and Rachel Valletta, Environmental Scientist, Franklin Institute, Director of the Climate and Urban Systems Partnership
Urban-Rural Gradient: Eduardo Brondízio, Distinguished Professor of Anthropology, Indiana University  
3:30-3:45pm Break
3:45-5:00pm Plenary discussion of break-out group session on frameworks, concepts, gaps/challenges in knowledge, data, and methods

Chair: Hamil Pearsall, Associate Professor of Geography and Urban Studies, Temple University
5:00-7:00pm Reception

September 12 Day 2: Define research questions, methods, and objectives to address the gaps and challenges identified in Day 1 and their scalability
8-8:45 am Breakfast
8:45-9:00 am Review of key gaps and challenges from first day’s activities

Victor Gutierrez, Assistant Professor of Geography and Urban Studies, Temple University
Hamil Pearsall, Associate Professor of Geography and Urban Studies, Temple University
9:00-10:15 am Panel Discussion: Conceptual and methodological opportunities for data production in transdisciplinary Sustainable Urban Systems

Moderator: Victor Gutierrez, Assistant Professor of Geography and Urban Studies, Temple University

Robert Cheetham, President and CEO, Azavea
Jennifer Baka, Assistant Professor of Geography, Penn State University
Alan Wiig, Assistant Professor of Urban Planning and Community Development, University of Massachusetts
Rachel Valletta, Environmental Scientist, Franklin Institute, Director of the Climate and Urban Systems Partnership
Emily Grubert, Assistant Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Georgia Tech
Akira Rodriguez, Joint Lecturer, University of Pennsylvania Weitzman School of Design || School of Social Policy and Practice
Michelle Kondo, Research Social Scientist, USDA- Forest Service, Philadelphia Field Station
Rhiannon Jerch, Assistant Professor of Economics, Temple University  
10:15-10:30 am Break
10:30-11:15 am Summary of panel and plenary discussion connecting gaps and opportunities for Sustainable Urban Systems

Victor Gutierrez, Assistant Professor of Geography and Urban Studies, Temple University
Hamil Pearsall, Associate Professor of Geography and Urban Studies, Temple University
Break out group discussions to brainstorm research questions 

Chair: Melissa Gilbert, Director, Center for Sustainable Communities, Temple University
12:00-12:30pm Brief presentations of research questions 

Chair: Hamil Pearsall, Associate Professor of Geography and Urban Studies, Temple University
12:30-1:30 pm Lunch
1:30pm-2:00 pm
Plenary exercise prioritizing research questions in terms of relevance and feasibility

Chair: Victor Gutierrez, Assistant Professor of Geography and Urban Studies, Temple University
Break-out group discussions to elaborate on research questions in terms of conceptual frameworks, data availability, methodological approaches, and potential applications

Chair: Melissa Gilbert, Director, Center for Sustainable Communities, Temple University

Jocelyn Behm, Assistant Professor, Department of Biology, Temple University
Victor Gutierrez, Assistant Professor of Geography and Urban Studies, Temple University
Simi Hoque, Associate Professor of Engineering, Drexel University
Hamil Pearsall, Associate Professor of Geography and Urban Studies, Temple University
Tina Rosan, Associate Professor of Geography and Urban Studies, Temple University
3:30-4:00 pm
Presentation of future projects to the plenary

Chair: Victor Gutierrez, Assistant Professor of Geography and Urban Studies, Temple University
4:00-5:00pm Panel Discussion:  Synthesis and scalability to other regions in the US and beyond

Moderator: Hamil Pearsall, Associate Professor of Geography and Urban Studies, Temple University

Usama Bilal, Assistant Professor of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Drexel University
Eduardo Brondízio, Distinguished Professor of Anthropology, Indiana University
Hallie Eakin, Professor & Senior Sustainability Scientist, Julie Ann Wrigley Global Institute of Sustainability, Arizona State University
Peleg Kramer, Assistant Professor of Geography and Environment, Villanova University
Joe Pierce, Assistant Professor of Geography and Environmental Sustainability; Regional and City Planning, University of Oklahoma
Bill Solecki, Professor of Geography and Environmental Science, Hunter College
Mark Stone, Associate Professor of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering, University of New Mexico
Clare Hinrichs, Professor of Rural Sociology, Penn State University
5:00-5:15pmClosing Remarks
Melissa Gilbert, Director, Center for Sustainable Communities, Temple University

September 13Day 3:  Discuss the dissemination of workshop and next steps (Organizing Committee and Interested Others)
8:45-10:15am Reflections on the workshop
10:30-11:45am Small group planning sessions for deliverables
Rachel Valleta, Environmental Scientist, Franklin Institute, Director of the Climate and Urban Systems Partnership, will lead the group in the discussion of approaches for presenting the final report to a public audience
Kay Wood, Producer and Host of Planet Philadelphia, will lead the group on the development of the podcast
Brett Fusco, Manager, Office of Long-Range Planning, Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission, will lead the group in a discussion of approaches for presenting the report to a policy-maker and practitioner audience
Eduardo Brondízio and Bill Solecki, editors with Current Opinions in Environmental Sustainability will provide guidance on the process for developing manuscripts for the special issue, including a discussion of the appropriate scope, length, and audience for prospective articles
Melissa Gilbert, Director, Center for Sustainable Communities, Temple University and Laura Toran, Professor of Earth and Environmental Science, Temple University will lead the discussion of the final report
11:45am-12:15pmModerators report back to the group
12:15-12:30pmClosing remarks
Melissa Gilbert, Director, Center for Sustainable Communities, Temple University