
Brad Rothberg, PI


Brad is a Philly native, and has been interested in electrophysiology and ion channels ever since he was an undergraduate neuroscience major at the University of Pittsburgh. He earned his PhD (also in neuroscience) at the University of Florida College of Medicine, studying electrophysiology and pharmacology in hippocampal brain slices. Brad then went on to postdoctoral training in ion channel physiology and biophysics with Karl Magleby at the University of Miami School of Medicine, and later with Gary Yellen at Harvard Medical School.

When he’s not “ion channeling”, Brad can often be found refereeing at his daughter’s swim meets or trying to avoid any form of exercise. He is currently Professor in the Department of Medical Genetics and Molecular Biochemistry, at the Temple University Lewis Katz School of Medicine (Faculty web page can be found here).


Alex Vouga, Postdoctoral Fellow


Alex has been a postdoctoral fellow in the lab since March 2021. He earned his undergraduate degree at Dickinson College and PhD at Temple University.

Alex is highly skilled at patch clamp electrophysiology, as well as protein purification and crystallography. Alex is also the mastermind behind our high-throughput ion channel assays. His latest paper can be found here.






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Could be you!


The Rothberg Lab is seeking a new PhD student to study ion channel structure, function, and pharmacology! Please contact Brad for details…







Michael Rockman, MD/PhD Student


Michael has defended his dissertation and is now completing his clinical (MD) studies at LKSOM.

Michael is highly skilled at patch clamp electrophysiology, and his work in the lab has also included protein purification and crystallography.

His first-author paper can be viewed online here.