This project aims to identify what works well and what needs improvement in the implementation and participation of the universal school meals program in the School District of Philadelphia.


In September of 2023, our team recruited eight schools across the Philadelphia School District. We conducted surveys, interviews, and focus groups with students grades 6-12, as well as parents, teachers, climate staff, administration, and food service staff. We observed over 30 meals, received 158 surveys, and conducted 122 interviews.


Our research revealed that factors such as access to meals, implementation leaders like food staff and admin, and school culture and attitude towards meals are all working well. Factors such as quality and recipient-centeredness of meals need some work.


A community-based approach to school meals allowed our research team to identify the tiers of decision making and influence that ultimately affect delivery of school meals. Engaging with students, parents, teachers, admin, and food staff helped us create a holistic picture of the school meal system. We are using these results to design and evaluate changes to implementation of Universal School Meals and meal policy.

Hearing from participants was crucial to our understanding of implementation of school meals.

Here are some impactful quotes:

Publications and Outputs

School Meals Needs Assessment Results

Key determinants to school breakfast program implementation in Philadelphia public schools: Implications for the role of SNAP-Ed