Recent pubs and awards

  • December 2020: College of Science and Technology Diversity Innovation Initiative Fund: Providing an Inclusive Alternative to Field Camp
  • October 2019: Presidential Humanities and Arts Program Collaborative Award: Citizen Science for Machine Learning of Earth Surface Features (A. Davatzes, PI; T. Shipley)
  • October 2018: NSF FW-HTF: Integrating Cognitive Science and Intelligent Systems to Enhance Geoscience Practice (T. Shipley, PI; Alexandra Davatzes, Basil Tikoff, M. Ani Hseih)
  • Sept. 2016: NSF SL-CN: Understanding and Promoting Spatial Learning Processes in the Geosciences (T. Shipley, PI; Alexandra Davatzes, Nicole LaDue, Doug Lombardi) Awarded $749,712
  • Sept. 2016: GP-IMPACT: Career paths for urban geoscientists: recruitment, retention, and apprenticeship (Laura Toran, PI; Carol B. Brandt, Alexandra Davatzes, Jonathan E. Nyquist)Awarded $358,773
  • Feb 2014: NSF CAREER grant 1352095: Field Studies of Precambrian Impacts and Implications for the Early Crust and Environment (PI); Awarded $445,359; 2014-2019

  • March 2020: Lindback Distinguished Teaching Award, Temple University
  • Fall 2013: Dean’s Distinguished Teaching Award, College of Science and Technology, Temple University
  • July 2011: NASA Group Achievement Award for the MRO Science Team “For operating the superb HiRISE camera and analyzing its data to provide unprecedented images of the surface of Mars and new views into how the planet changes with time.”


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