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Registering for Class

Any student from any major or College at Temple can register for the PHBB Travel classes (EPBI 3382 International Travel Experience Section 03 for undergraduates or EPBI 5587 for graduate students )

Two easy steps to register:

First: Meet with the PHBB Faculty Director

Set up a meeting with the Faculty Director, Dr. Graciela Jaschek. You will learn about the different country projects, academic requirements, how to finance your PHBB Travel experience, and in-country daily routines/expectations. In this meeting, you will also begin to develop your PHBB Travel goals, which will help you choose a country project that suits you. 

In this meeting you will obtain the approval to register for the PHBB Travel class, and will be asked to sign and submit a PHBB Travel Agreement before meeting with your Academic Advisor.

Second: Meet with your Academic Advisor

Meet with your academic advisor to register for class. You will need to show proof of approval by the PHBB Faculty Director before your advisor can register you.

Third (this is optional): Join the PHBB Student Association

Joining the Public Health Beyond Borders Student Association is optional. The Association meets on monthly basis to discuss the ongoing projects and fundraising activities.