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Goals and Strategies

  • Temple commits to sustainable partnerships with local communities and institutions:
    • Our work builds transparent collaborations that respond to community needs and benefits all members of the community.
    • Our strategies empower communities through health education and training that builds lasting capacity.
  • Temple develops translational global research collaborations with local universities:
    • Researchers lead equitable collaborations that promote inclusion, respect, and trust.
    • Temple PHBB students and local students are key partners in the research process.
    • Research focuses on health needs in the community and research results are used by Temple PHBB students and local students to develop additional community-focused implementation activities.  
    • All researchers, students, and partners adhere to rigorous ethical guidelines for the protection of human research subjects.
    • Memorandums of Understanding are executed to formally establish research partnerships during the developmental process and preliminary research prior to securing grant funding.
  • Temple uses traditional and creative educational delivery strategies that provide strong global research methods training:
    • Faculty, staff, and students at partner universities abroad benefit from academic exchanges and/or academic training that supports their development as independent global health scientists.
    • Temple PHBB students benefit from academic exchanges and/or training that supports their development as independent global health scientists.
    • Research trainings employ multiple delivery strategies to support equitable participation.
    • Memorandums of Understanding are executed to provide opportunities for educational exchanges and/or educational training
  • Temple Public Health Beyond Borders Student Association engages in hands-on global research:
    • Temple PHBB students participate at different stages in global research collaborations with Temple faculty.
    • Temple PHBB students partner with students from local universities to develop local PHBB chapters that share the PHBB mission.