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PHBB Travel Classes Overview

If you are an undergraduate student, you must register for the EPBI 3382 Independent Study course. Graduate students register for the EPBI 5587 (formerly EPBI 5500) class.

The class has two components: 1) The fall class followed by 2) the trip to the global community during the winter break; or 1) The spring class followed by 2) travel to the global community during the summer break

In these classes, you will:

  1. Participate in the in-class development, and then the in-country delivery, and evaluation of educational and health promotion activities in partnership with the community.
  2. Be actively working with local university students to increase community capacity and project sustainability.
  3. Participate in daily discussions to:
    • Demonstrate awareness of your own cultural values and biases when partnering and developing interventions with global partners,
    • Reflect critically on necessary communications and interpersonal skills to work cross-culturally in global settings,
    • Develop confidence and a global mindset through cultural competence discussions and implementation of health promotion activities,
    • Build a global understanding that demonstrates a clear appreciation of cultural differences.

This class meets once a week for two and a half hours. Undergraduate students work in coordination with the graduate student(s) mentor(s).

Register for the India Project class in the fall, which includes 10-12 days of winter break travel.

In spring, enroll in the Peru, Dominican Republic, or Ecuador Project class, which includes 10-14 days of summer break travel