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Join Us in Transforming Global Health: Make a Gift!

NOTE: If you want to donate funds to a particular PHBB Team, enter the amount as Other and then below (Other) name the Team you are donating to (Peru, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, India).

At the heart of the Public Health Beyond Borders Global Reach Initiative lies a passionate commitment to making a positive impact in global communities. Our mission is to reduce health disparities, promote healthy behaviors, and engage with communities worldwide, all while providing invaluable learning experiences for students.

Empowering students with travel opportunities to become informed global citizens is closely tied to the principle of equity. Many of our students juggle work, classes, and family responsibilities, which can make the prospect of international travel seem daunting and, unfortunately, often out of reach. This situation is deeply disheartening, and we believe that it shouldn’t have to be this way. Please donate to student travel today!

All contributions to PHBB small and large are used to support student travel and developing materials for educational activities. To make a gift, click HERE.