Bravos and Thank You to Beyond the Notes Artists!

Beyond the Notes, Temple University Libraries, and audiences wish to extend bravos and thank you to the artists who provided beautiful, interesting, and exciting concerts at noon in the library during the 2018-2019 year. We appreciate your talent and are grateful for your bringing live music to Paley Library!

Dr. Lindorff's master class
Ben Katz, Emiko Edwards, Joyce Lindorff, Irene Moretto, Silvanio Reis, Anna Kislitsyna



Happy Birthday François Couperin!  Joyce Lindorff and her doctoral seminar ushered in the new season with a birthday celebration!  Many thanks to Dr. Lindorff and her students for our celebratory season opener!


photo of Zach Brock
Zach Brock, Jazz violinist.

In October, Zach Brock, Boyer faculty and Grammy Award winning jazz violinist, entranced us with his amazing artistry. Thank you, Zach!

Baroque Chamber Music group
Shannon Merlino and friends.


In November, library audiences were treated to a lively performance of Vivaldi and Bach, played on period instruments and led by Shannon Merlino.   Congratulations and thank you, Dr. Merlino!


Xylophone playing

Philip O'Banion and students
Temple University Percussion Ensemble

Temple University Percussion Ensemble, directed by Phillip O’Banion, totally rocked the library in December!  Amazing talent and performance!  Thank you, Professor O’Banion and TU Percussion students!  You are awesome!








Charles Abramovic, Lawrence Indik, and Cara Latham

In February, Boyer faculty artists turned the Library’s Lecture Hall into a cozy café with Cabaret Songs and Piano Rags by William Bolcom!  Thank you Charles Abramovic, Lawrence Indic, and Cara Latham for an exquisite performance!


Students of Allen Krantz brought the beautiful music of classical guitar to the library to end our season.  Thank you Allen Krantz for bringing your gifted students to the library, always one of the most beloved events of the entire year!

3 guitarists
Andrew Evans, Joeseph Jones, Emmanuel Lozada-Mendez.

Many thanks to our wonderful artists and to our audiences who together create an intimate, exciting, and wonderful lunchtime series of live music at the library, Beyond the Notes! We are busy planning an exciting concert series for our new Charles Library in the Fall of 2019! See you then!

Anne Harlow is the research librarian for music, dance, and theater at Temple University Libraries, and curator of the library’s noontime concert series Beyond the Notes.