Progress/Completion Report Submission Thank you for submitting a Progress or Project Completion Report Fill-in details of the report content below AND attach the written document. General InformationProgram Name*Unit Responsible for the Project*Project Contact:*Email Address of Project Contact:* Project Period of the Report (e.g. 2019-2020)*Project Status: Please Complete A or BA. Complete: Enter the Date Available for Student Enrollment:B. In Process: Describe status of Project and Estimated Completion Date:Budget Status:A. Provost's Incentive Funds: Amount Spent to Date, detail how funds were spent:*B. Matching Funds: Amount Spent to Date, Amount Spent to Date, detail how funds were spent:*Report Submission, Upload Files: PDF, XLSX, DOCX, JPG, GIFProgress/Completion Report Content: Read Instructions Below and upload files that include the requested information:Accepted file types: pdf, jpg, gif, png, docx, xlsx, Max. file size: 15 MB. Report Content to Include: 1. Project Status Include a brief summary of the project and what has been implemented Include a summary of expenditures, and a summary of expenditures 2. Project Deliverables Indicate the number of courses that have been completed/offered, and a brief discussion of evaluations. 3. Include a summary of the student enrollment in the program.