Temple University is located at 1801 N. Broad St., Philadelphia, PA 19122
Use this map to estimate your time of travel and preview directions to Temple:
Public Transportation
Broad Street Subway: All local Broad Street subway trains stop at Cecil B. Moore Station (Broad and Cecil B. Moore Avenue).
SEPTA Bus: The 4 and 16 buses stop on Broad Street at Cecil B. Moore Avenue, Montgomery Avenue, Polett Walk and Norris Street. The 23 bus stops on 12th Street (southbound) and 11th Street (northbound) at Polett Walk, Montgomery Avenue and Cecil B. Moore Avenue.
SEPTA Regional Rail Lines: All lines stop at Temple University Station, located at 10th and Berks Streets.
Trolley: The 23 trolley stops on 12th Street (southbound) and 11th Street (northbound) at Berks Mall, Montgomery Avenue and Cecil B. Moore Avenue.