Professional Development

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Many people ask how they can bring a workshop to their area. Workshops include a one day inservice. Schools can also arrange half day or a 2 or 3-day inservice to accommodate their schedules in the summer. Follow-up workshops with professional learning communities are also available.

Workshops are organized through school districts, Elementary and Middle School Supervisors, Coordinators, Principals and Homeschool Communities at their site. Materials and supplies are included. For more information, please contact us at:

Professional Development * Keynote Addresses * Conferences * Lectures & Book Signings * Parent Education /Family Math Night* Student Workshops * Summer Institutes * Author Visits * Library Programs and more…

Many people ask how they can bring a workshop to their area. Workshops include a one day inservice. Schools can also arrange 2 or 3-day inservice to accommodate their schedules in the summer. Follow-up workshops with professional learning communities are also available.

Workshops are organized through school districts, Elementary and Middle School Supervisors, Coordinators, Principals, PTA/PTO, and Homeschool Communities at their site.  Materials and supplies are included.

Join 1000’s of leaders, educators, parents and students in discovering the joy of learning mathematics that supports national and core curriculum standards. Learn  how to educate, empower and inspire your students…where every child counts!

All programs and workshops are custom tailored to meet YOUR exact needs. For more information or to book Barbara for your school or organization, please fill out the Contact Us Form or email:

Hands-On Workshops (K-8)
by Barbara Pearl, M.A.

“Finally, a workshop where I could do more than just listen!”
-Elizabeth Goodwin, Teacher, 3rd Grade, Philadelphia, PA

See here for more testimonials.

What is Math in Motion?
Math in Motion is an interdisciplinary and discovery-based approach to TEACHING AND LEARNING mathematics that supports the National Mathematics and Core Curriculum Standards.


NEW techniques for using different manipulatives to integrate the NCTM standards and develop problem solving, critical thinking skills, and unfold a POSITIVE attitude towards mathematics!

A full day of exciting, usable hands-on math, and a…
  • Take-Home Kit and all of the materials that you use in the workshop, materials that you can use in your classroom the very next day!
  • Math Resource Guide that contains directions for all workshop activities, math extensions, cooperative learning and cultural enrichment activities and bibliographies for you and your students and
  • Certificate of Attendance



How to bring out the BEST in even your most reluctant, “I hate math”, ELL or gifted student!

Who Should Participate? All Grade (K-8) Teachers and StudentsTeachers of ELL,Title 1, 11, Gifted,Resource Specialist, At-Risk, Special Education, Student Teachers,Curriculum Coordinators, Supervisors, Mentors, Parents and Aides