Students wishing to apply for this program must complete and submit this Application Form, along with all related materials BY MAY 10, 2024 to: E-mail: Attention: Dr. Liz Russell McKenzie. If you have any questions, please either email or send a text to Tel: 610-888-5518 or stop by Beury 406B.
A faculty panel will review applications and interview shortlisted applicants in-person OR through Zoom. Interviews will take place on a rolling basis during April. Students will be notified shortly after about decisions made and whether your application was successful. There will be an Orientation session for all successful scholars during the first week of June. Your 2024 summer research internship will begin in early June and last until mid-August. There will be weekly workshops.
We hope you will discuss this opportunity with your family and communicate any concerns or questions to us directly. You can email Dr. Elisabeth Russell McKenzie [Dr. Liz], Program co-Director/Coordinator at
Applicants must be planning to attend graduate school i.e. planning to pursue a Ph.D. Students interested in MD/PhD or other joint PhD programs will be considered but not students interested solely in health professions. These requirements are stipulated by the NIH. THIS IS A TWO/THREE YEAR COMMITMENT.