Category Archives: Tech Bytes

Tech Tip: Reboot Your Computer, It Will Thank You For It.

Do you ever wonder why technical support people always seems to recommend you to try rebooting your computer whenever you report a problem?  Do you think it’s because they don’t know how to fix the problem?  Do you think they are just trying to be annoying?

 It could be a mixture of both, but seriously the real reason a technician will always ask you to try rebooting your computer is because they know that a lot more occurs during a system restart than many people are aware of.  When you reboot a computer it does not simply power itself off and then back on again, though it seems that way.

 When a computer is restarted the operating system performs a series of diagnostic checks and fixes any problems it detects automatically.  If a program was eating up your memory or temporary hard drive space those resources will be freed up following a reboot.  Computers, even those just out of the box have lots of software installed on them, some you will never see or interact with.  The longer software runs the more likely it will begin to misbehave.  Rebooting a computer restores the hardware and software to a refreshed state.TU

 Also, rebooting helps in troubleshooting.  If you reboot and the problem goes away then we know that the computer was just ready for a reboot.  If you reboot and the same problem repeats itself the list of possibilities are narrowed and further troubleshooting can focus on resolving the problem rather than identifying the problem.

 Here are additional tips:

 You do not have to wait until you have a problem to reboot!  Be proactive and reboot nightly or weekly.   Wouldn’t you rather reboot on your terms than be forced to reboot when you are in the middle of typing a paper?

This is not a Windows thing!  Macs and Linux computers will also suffer from resource overload if they are not rebooted regularly.

More info :
Microsoft: Turning Off your computer properly
OS X Mavericks: Schedule a shutdown

Wireless Printing Available for Students

Wireless Printing Available for Students

Library Tech Assistants often get asked about how to print using wireless connection. To answer that question, we have shared here some information from Computer Services about Wireless Printing.

Temple offers students a service called Print on the Go Mobile. The service enables students to print documents using a smart phone, tablet, laptop or desktop computer from anywhere they have an internet connection. To submit a print request, use your TUmail account to create an email message and attach up to three documents. Then send the message to


Note: The From address must be your (e.g. and not an alias, such as Additional information is available on the Print on the Go page.


Students also receive a free Printing Quota based on how many credits they are taking. For example, students taking nine or more credits per semester have a free print quota of 300 sheets. For more details, see the Student Printing page.
Computer Services HelpDesk can be reached at 215-204-8000.



Apple MacBook Pro Updates!

Yesterday, Apple updated the MacBook Pro with Retina Display with “faster processors, double the memory in both entry-level configurations, and a new, lower starting price for the top-of-the-line 15-inch notebook“.

Instead of 4GB of standard RAM (random access memory), the newly updated MacBook Pro starts with a standard of 8GB of RAM. In addition, the new notebooks have a slightly faster Intel Haswell processor.

The MacBook Pro price starts at $1299 ($1199 with education pricing AND you also get a $100 Apple Store Gift Card)!

“If you were in the market to buy a MacBook Pro, now is certainly the time!” – Kevin, student tech assistant
