All The Computers Should Allow Printing For Cash

I am student who needs to use cash printing sometimes because I don’t have my TUID with me. It seems that the computers around the reference desk are not networked with the cash printing queue. I was directed to use the computers over by the windows, across the main hall. This was an inconvenience to me because I had been working on a computer by the reference desk, and all of the computers that were supposedly networked with the cash printer were full. Please, can’t cash printing be an option from all of the computers in the library?


We’re glad to hear you find the computers in the library of value to your student work. It is indeed our intention to make it possible for every computer in the library to print to every printer, whether payment is by quota or cash. However, you discovered a glitch we suffered at the beginning of the semester that we are still working to correct – but should have corrected by the time you read this. To enable cash printing we require a special driver (a piece of software) that must be added to the computers. Unfortunately we received the driver later than expected. Once students began returning to campus it became difficult to find downtime for the installation of the driver to all the computers in the library. You were properly directed to a group of computers where the driver had been installed. Our Library Systems office had made a commitment to get the drivers installed on all the computers in the next two weeks. We are sorry that you were inconvenienced, and it is always our goal to make your library experience a great one. We will be working hard to make sure that is the case – but don’t hesitate to tell us when you find something broken that we need to fix.


One thought on “All The Computers Should Allow Printing For Cash

  1. Printing is essentially free for Temple Students. Each student gets a printing quota from Computer Services – several hundred pages of free printing each semester.
    However, when students forget their ID card, they can’t access their quota – so they need to print with cash. That’s why we have a system that allows for cash printing – as well
    as allowing members of the public to print if needed.

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