Why Can’t I Pay My Fines Online?

We should be able to pay our library fines online It is 2009. You can pay for almost everything online. Why not Temple library fines? Other libraries provide this convenience, Why not Temple? Temple’s library system seem awfully low-tech.

This is a fine suggestion. We’d love to be able to offer online bill payment for overdue book fines, lost book fines, etc. It may very well be that other libraries offer this option, but I am not aware of them. In any case, regardless of what other libraries may offer, Temple University (and this isn’t something the Libraries can do independently – obviously we can only offer e-commerce options if the University makes it available) is currently in the midst of migrating its entire financial software system to a new system called Banner. We inquired about the possibilities of having an online payment option. That is definitely part of the future plan. However, given the implementation schedule we can’t expect this to be available until some time in 2012.

In the meantime we do offer the convenience of Diamond Dollar payment for all types of fines – but only in person. Again, Diamond Dollars doesn’t offer an online payment option.

If enough students feel strongly that Temple Universityshould make online payment options available, they may want to bring this to the attention of the University administration.

2 thoughts on “Why Can’t I Pay My Fines Online?

  1. No. Nothing has changed since this post originally appeared. The University has still not implemented a system that would allow us to conduct online commerce. We are looking into some options that have recently come to the library marketplace. But thanks for asking.

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