Following a Ph.D. at California Institute of Technology (1997, working under the supervision of Prof. Peter Dervan) and Postdoctoral Research at University of Florida (1997-1999, working under the supervision of Prof. Steven Benner), he was successively affiliated with Stockholm University (Sweden) (2000-2002), University of Bergen (Norway) (2002-2005), and University of Wyoming (2005-2014) before moving to Temple. In 2014, he was invited as a Visiting Fellow at the Safra Center for Bioinformatics at Tel Aviv University (Israel), following extended visits to the Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics (UCLA) in 2011, University of Canterbury (New Zealand) in 2012 (as an Erskine Fellow), and University of Tasmania (Australia) in 2013. He currently also serves as Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Molecular Evolution. He is Section Editor at BMC Ecology and Evolution. Lastly, he served as an elected member of the council for the Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution for a three year term between 2014 and 2016 and served on the Editor’s Advisory Group for BioMed Central between 2013 and 2021.
David Liberles was born in New York City, attended Teaneck (NJ) High School, and was an undergraduate at Oberlin College.
At Temple University, David Liberles has affiliations with the Center for Computational Genetics and Genomics (CCGG) and the Institute for Genomics and Evolutionary Medicine (IGEM).