Group Alumni

[Alumni: Please feel free to email me with updates.]

Senior and Postdoctoral Researchers

  • Nick Braun
    • M.Sc., Ph.D., University of Southampton (UK)
    • Worked in Group 2002-2003
    • Last Known Location: Independent Software Developer (Berlin, Germany)
  • Ann-Charlotte Berglund Sonnhammer
    • M.Sc. Umeå University (Sweden); Ph.D. Danish Technical University (Denmark)
    • Worked in Group 2003-2004
    • Last Known Location: Senior Support Scientist, Bioinformatics Infrastructure for Life Sciences (BILS), Vetenskapsrådet (Swedish Research Council) (Stockholm, Sweden)
  • Matthew Betts
    • B.Sc. York University (UK), M.Sc. Birkbeck College (UK), Ph.D. Imperial Cancer Research Fund (UK)
    • Worked in Group 2003-2005
    • Last Known Location: Senior Postdoctoral Researcher, Russell Research Group, University of Heidelberg (Heidelberg, Germany)
  • Christian Roth
    • M.Sc. Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich (Switzerland), Ph.D. University of Lausanne (Switzerland)
    • Worked in Group 2002-2006
    • Last Known Location: Project Coordinator, Gyllensten Research Group, Uppsala Genome Center, Uppsala University (Uppsala, Sweden)
  • Marie Skovgaard
    • M.Sc. University of Copenhagen (Denmark), Ph.D. Danish Technical University (Denmark)
    • Worked in Group 2004-2006
    • Last Known Location: Director of Medicinal Chemistry, Zealand Pharma (Copenhagen, Denmark)
  • Alexander Churbanov
    • M.Sc. Urals State University (Russia), Ph.D. University of Nebraska (USA)
    • Worked in Group 2006-2007
    • Last Known Location: Staff Scientist, Hammer Research Group, Division of Biotechnology, University of Arizona (Tucson, AZ, USA)
  • Katharina Dittmar
    • M.Sc., D.V.M., Ph.D. University of Leipzig (Germany)
    • Worked in Group 2006-2007
    • Last Known Location: Associate Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, State University of New York at Buffalo (Buffalo, NY, USA)
  • Steven Massey
    • B.Sc. Bath University (UK), Ph.D. University of Kent (UK)
    • Worked in Group 2006-2008
    • Last Known Location: Assistant Professor, Department of Biology, University of Puerto Rico (Rio Piedras, PR, USA)
  • Vera Brok-Volchanskaya
    • M.Sc. Voronezh State University (Russia), Ph.D. Pushchino Biological Center (Russia)
    • Worked in Group 2008-2009
    • Last Known Location: Research Scientist, Wilmar International (Singapore)
  • Grigory Kolesov
    • M.Sc. Novosibirsk State University (Russia), Ph.D. Technical University of Munich (Germany)
    • Worked in Group 2007-2009
    • Last Known Location: Postdoctoral Researcher, Kaxiras Research Group, Department of Physics, Harvard University (Cambridge, MA, USA)
  • Virginia Schmit
    • B.S. California Polytechnic University, Pomona (USA), M.S. Colorado State University (USA), Ph.D. University of Wyoming (USA)
    • Worked in Group 2012
  • Benjamin Oswald
    • B.S. Western State Colorado University (USA), Ph.D. University of Idaho (USA)
    • Worked in Group 2012-2013
    • Last Known Location: Staff Scientist, University of Idaho Bioinformatics Core (Moscow, ID, USA)
  • Miguel Arenas (EMBO Fellow)
    • B.S., M.Sc. University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain), Ph.D. University of Vigo (Spain)
    • Worked in Group 2014
    • Last Known Location: Principal Investigator, University of Vigo (Vigo, Spain)
  • Stephen Shank
    • B.S., Ph.D. Temple University (USA)
    • Worked in Group 2015-2017
    • Last Known Location: Scientific Programmer/Staff Scientist, Kosakovsky Pond Research Group, Department of Biology, Temple University (Philadelphia, PA, USA)
  • Laurel Yohe (Visiting Ph.D. student and postdoc from Stony Brook)
    • B.S. Loyola University Chicago (USA), Ph.D. Stony Brook University (USA)
    • Worked in Group 2016-2017
    • Last Known Location: Postdoctoral Researcher, Bhullar Research Group, Department of Geology and Geophysics, Yale University (New Haven, CT, USA)
  • Claudia Weber
    • Mbiol., Ph.D. University of Bath (UK)
    • Worked in Group 2015-2018
    • Last Known Location: Postdoctoral Researcher, Goldman Research Group, European Bioinformatics Institute (Hinxton, UK)
  • Peter Chi (Visiting Professor/Research Assistant Professor)
    • B.S. University of Michigan (USA), M.S. Johns Hopkins University (USA), Ph.D. University of Washington (USA)
    • Worked in Group 2015-2018
    • Last Known Location: Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Villanova University (Villanova, PA, USA)
  • Andrew Ritchie
    • B.S., University of Sydney (Australia), B.L., Australian National University, Ph.D., University of Sydney (Australia)
    • Worked in Group 2018-2019
    • Last Known Location: Postdoctoral Researcher, Bromham Research Group, Department of Biology, Australian National University (Canberra, ACT, Australia)
  • Tristan Stark
    • B.S., Ph.D., University of Tasmania (Australia)
    • Worked in Group 2018-2019
    • Last Known Location: Postdoctoral Researcher, Holland Research Group, Department of Mathematics and Physics, University of Tasmania (Hobart, TAS, Australia)

Ph.D. Students

  • Åsa (Tellgren) Tellgren-Roth
    • M.Sc. Linköping University (Sweden), Lic. Deg. Karolinska Institute (Sweden), Ph.D. University of Bergen (Norway)
    • Worked in Group 2002-2007
    • First Position After Ph.D.: Postdoctoral Researcher, Uppsala University (Uppsala, Sweden)
    • Last Known Location: Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Stockholm University (Stockholm, Sweden)
  • Timothy Hughes
    • B.Sc. London School of Economics (UK), M.Sc. Oxford University (UK), M.Sc. (Computer Science) Imperial College (UK), Ph.D. University of Bergen (Norway)
    • Worked in Group 2003-2008
    • First Position After Ph.D.: Postdoctoral Researcher, Aasland Research Group, Department of Biology, University of Bergen (Bergen, Norway)
    • Last Known Location: Group Leader, Department of Medical Genetics, University of Oslo (Oslo, Norway)
  • Shruti Rastogi
    • B.Sc. University of Lucknow (India), M.Sc. Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee (India), M.Sc. (Bioinformatics) Chalmers Institute of Technology (Sweden), Ph.D. University of Bergen (Norway)
    • Worked in Group 2004-2008
    • First Position After Ph.D.: Postdoctoral Researcher, Rost Research Group, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics, Columbia University (New York, NY, USA)
    • Last Known Location: Researcher, BioCOS Life Sciences (Bangalore, India)
  • Johan Grahnen
    • M.Sc. Umeå University (Sweden), Ph.D. University of Wyoming (USA)
    • Worked in Group 2007-2012
    • First Position After Ph.D.: Postdoctoral Researcher, Skolnick Research Group, Department of Biology, Georgia Institute of Technology (Atlanta, GA, USA)
    • Last Known Location: Data Scientist, Microsoft Cloud and AI (Seattle, WA, USA)
  • Anke Konrad
    • B.S., M.S. New Mexico State University (USA), Ph.D. University of Wyoming (USA)
    • Worked in Group 2009-2014
    • First Position After Ph.D.: Postdoctoral Researcher, Katju Research Group, Department of Biology, University of New Mexico (Albuquerque, NM, USA)
    • Last Known Location: Postdoctoral Researcher, Gordo Research Group, Gulbenkian Institute of Science (Oeiras, Portugal)
  • Jason Lai (jointly supervised by Prof. Jan Kubelka, University of Wyoming)
    • B.S.E. Arizona State University (USA), Ph.D. University of Wyoming (USA)
    • Worked in Group 2010-2015
    • First Position After Ph.D.: Postdoctoral Researcher, Barth Research Group, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Baylor College of Medicine (Houston, TX, USA)
    • Last Known Location: Data Scientist, Tessella (Houston, TX, USA)
  • Ashley Teufel
    • B.S. New Mexico State University (USA), Ph.D. University of Wyoming (USA)
    • Worked in Group 2010-2015
    • First Position After Ph.D.: Postdoctoral Researcher, Wilke Research Group, Department of Integrative Biology, University of Texas (Austin, TX, USA)
    • Last Known Location: Assistant Professor, Department of Life Sciences, Texas A+M University- San Antonio (San Antonio, TX, USA)
  • Alena Orlenko
    • M.S. Novosibirsk State University (Russia), Ph.D. University of Wyoming (USA)
    • Worked in Group 2011-2016
    • First Position After Ph.D.: Postdoctoral Researcher, Moore Research Group, Institute for Biomedical Informatics and Department of Biostatistics and Epidemiology, University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA, USA)
    • Last Known Location: Research Associate, Department of Biostatistics and Epidemiology, University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA, USA)
  • Russell Hermansen
    • B.S. Brigham Young University (USA), Ph.D. University of Wyoming (USA)
    • Worked in Group 2010-2017
    • First Position After Ph.D.: Teach for America (Las Vegas, NV, USA)
  • Amanda Wilson
    • B.S. University of Rochester (USA), Ph.D. Temple University (USA)
    • Worked in Group 2018-2024
    • First Position After Ph.D.: Postdoctoral Researcher, Landweber Research Group, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics, Columbia University (New York, NY, USA)

Master’s Students

  • Cecilia Kemi
    • Last Known Location: Clinical Research Medical Advisor, Novartis Sweden (Stockholm, Sweden)
  • Malin Almgren
    • Last Known Location: Assistant Professor, Department of Molecular Medicine, Karolinska Institute (Stockholm, Sweden)
  • Alexander Roth
    • Last Known Location: Postdoctoral Researcher, von Mering Research Group, Department of Molecular Life Sciences, University of Zürich (Zürich, Switzerland)
  • Liang-Je (Ackila or Jay) Lin
  • Arshia Rouhani
  • Anna Nilsson
  • Francois Beaussart
  • Pär Steffansson
  • Ninoa Malki
    • Last Known Location: System Developer, Department of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Karolinska Institute (Stockholm, Sweden)
  • Saywan Pasha
  • Shruti Rastogi
    • Completed Ph.D. studies in group, see above.
  • Roald Rossnes
  • Juan-Felipe Ortiz (joint with Jessica Siltberg, then at University of Wyoming, now at Florida International University)
    • Last Known Location: Ph.D. Student, Rokas Research Group, Department of Biological Sciences, Vanderbilt University (Nashville, TN, USA)
  • Dohyup Kim
    • Last Known Location: Ph.D. Student, Hansen Research Group, Department of Entomology, University of California (Riverside, CA, USA)
  • Komal Brahmbhatt (P.S.M. Student in Bioinformatics)
  • Stephanie Coffin (P.S.M. Student in Bioinformatics, joint with Prof. Beverly Davidson, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and University of Pennsylvania)
    • Last Known Location: Ph.D. Student, Zoghbi Research Group, Baylor College of Medicine (Houston, TX, USA)
  • David Northover
    • Last Known Location: Ph.D. Student, Pennsylvania State University (State College, PA, USA)
  • Rebecca Kaufman (P.S.M. Student in Bioinformatics)
    • Last Known Location: Bioinformatician, Department of Oncology, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (Philadelphia, PA, USA)
  • Taha Iqbal (P.S.M. Student in Bioinformatics)
    • Last Known Location: Bioinformatician, Aperiomics (Sterling, VA, USA)
  • Westin Kosater (awaiting final thesis approval)
    • Last Known Location: Bioinformatician/Programmer, Minn Research Group, Department of Radiation Oncology, University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA, USA)
  • Kathryn Piper (P.S.M. Student in Bioinformatics)
    • Last Known Location: Ph.D. Student, Department of Biological Sciences, SUNY-Albany (Albany, NY, USA)
  • John Miraszek
    • Last Known Location: Ph.D. Student, Decker Research Group, Division of Animal Science, University of Missouri (Columbia, MO, USA)
  • Nick McCloskey (P.S.M. Student in Bioinformatics)
  • Ryan Williams (P.S.M. Student in Bioinformatics)
  • Jamie Bregman (P.S.M. Student in Bioinformatics)

Visiting Ph.D. students

  • Benedikt Zacher, Technical University of Munich (Germany)
  • Nadia Bykova, Moscow State University (Russia)
  • Laurel Yohe, Stony Brook University; subsequently visiting postdoctoral researcher in group
  • Catherine Browne, University of Tasmania (Australia)

Undergraduate Students in the Lab at Temple Who Worked for An Extended Period

  • Quentin Altemose, Ursinus College
  • Katherine Porter, Ursinus College
  • Yuying Rong, Haverford College
    • Last Known Location: Graduate Student, University of Groningen (The Netherlands)
  • Irfan Jamil, Johns Hopkins University
  • Declan O’Sullivan, Temple University
    • Last Known Location: M.S. Student, Emel Research Group, Indiana University of Pennsylvania (Indiana, PA, USA)
  • Heather Blaney, Temple University
  • Maria Maltepes, Temple University
    • Last Known Location: Ph.D. student, Department of Biology, University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA, USA)
  • Nick Henry, Temple University
  • Claire Probst, Temple University
  • Ayna Mammedova, Temple University
  • Laura McDonnell, Temple University
    • Last Known Location: Ph.D. student, Joint Ph.D. Program in Computational Biology, Carnegie-Mellon University/University of Pittsburgh (Pittsburgh, PA, USA)

Frances Velay Fellows at Temple

  • Emma Hutchinson, summer 2021
  • Kelandra Murphy, summer 2021

Undergraduate Honors Students and Other Students at University of Wyoming Who’ve Continued in Academics

  • Dietric Hennings
    • Last Known Location: Resident, Department of Surgery, Tulane University (New Orleans, LA, USA)
  • Chandra Thompson
    • Last Known Location: Forensic Biologist II, Erie County Central Police (Buffalo, NY, USA)
  • Katherine (Harris) Amrine
    • Last Known Location: Data Scientist, Facebook (Mountain View, CA, USA)
  • Makayla Tisdell
    • Last Known Location: Physician (Internal Medicine) (Temple, TX, USA)
  • Stephen Michel
    • Last Known Location: Bioinformatician, University of Minnesota Academic Health Science Center (Minneapolis, MN, USA)

University of Wyoming Summer Undergraduate Research Program in Bioinformatics Students

  • Brendan Veeneman, Oberlin College, summer 2007
  • Sanaa Ahmed, Hunter College, CUNY, summer 2008
  • Kelsey Klemm, Utah State University, summer 2009
  • Hallie Rane, University of New Mexico, summer 2009
  • Kelly Coughlin, Penn State University, summer 2010
  • Priyanka Nandakumar, Carnegie Mellon University, summer 2010
  • Juan Felipe Ortiz, National University of Colombia, summer 2011
  • Edwin Suh, Middlebury College, summer 2011
  • Katharine Korunes, University of Georgia, summer 2013