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25. J Patten, Patrick Halligan, Ghazal Bashiri, Michael Kegel, Jacob D Bonadio, K Wang. EDA Fibronectin Microarchitecture and YAP Translocation During Wound Closure. bioRxiv. (2024).

24. J Patten, K Wang. On the right track. Nature Physics. (2024).

23. J D. Bonadio, G Bashiri, P Halligan, M Kegel, F Ahmed, K Wang. Delivery technologies for therapeutic targeting of fibronectin in autoimmunity and fibrosis applications. Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews. 209: 115303 (2024). 

22. J Longstreth, K Wang. The role of fibronectin in mediating cell migration. American Journal of Physiology – Cell Physiology. 326(4): C1212-C1225 (2024). 

21. L Xue, AG Hamilton, G Zhao, Z Xiao, R El-Mayta, X Han, N Gong, X Xiong, J Xu, CG Figueroa-Espada, SJ Shepherd, AJ Mukalel, M-G Alameh, J Cui, K Wang, AE Vaughan, D Weissman, MJ Mitchell. High-throughput barcoded nanoparticles identify cationic, degradable lipid-like materials for mRNA delivery to the lungs of female preclinical models. Nature Communications. 15:1884 (2024).

20. L Xue*, AS Thatte*, D Mai, RM Haley, N Gong, X Han, K Wang, NC Sheppard, CH June, MJ Mitchell. Responsive Biomaterials: Optimizing Control of Cancer Immunotherapy. Nature Reviews Materials. 9: 100-118 (2024).

19. C Figueroa-Espada, P PG Guimaraes, R Riley, L Xue, K Wang, MJ Mitchell. siRNA Lipid-Polymer Nanoparticles Targeting E-Selectin and Cyclophilin A in Bone Marrow for Combination Multiple Myeloma Therapy. Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering. 16: 383-392 (2023).

18. P PG Guimaraes, C Figueroa-Espada, R Riley, N Gong, L Xue, T Sewastianik, P Dennis, C Loebel, A Chung, SJ Shepherd, R Haley, A Hamilton, R El-Mayta, K Wang, RS Langer, DG Anderson, RD Carrasco, MJ Mitchell. In Vivo Bone Marrow Microenvironment siRNA Delivery Using Lipid-Polymer Nanoparticles for Multiple Myeloma Therapy. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 120 (25) e2215711120 (2023).

17. G Bashiri, M Padilla, KL Swingle, SJ Shepherd, MJ Mitchell, K Wang. Nanoparticle Protein Corona: From Structure and Function to Therapeutic Targeting. Lab on a Chip. 23: 1432-1466 (2023). 

16. K Butowska, X Han, N Gong, R El-Mayta, RM Haley, L Xue, W Zhong, W Guo, K Wang, MJ Mitchell. Doxorubicin-conjugated siRNA lipid nanoparticles for combination cancer therapy. Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B. 13(4): 1429-1437 (2023).

15. L Xue, N Gong, SJ Shepard, X Xiong, X Liao, X Han, G Zhao, C Song, X Huang, H Zhang, MS Padilla, J Qin, Y Shi, M-G Alameh, DJ Pochan, K Wang, F Long, D Weissman, MJ Mitchell. Rational design of bisphosphonate lipid-like materials for mRNA delivery to the bone microenvironment. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 144(22): 9926-9937 (2022).

14. SK Patel, MM Billingsley, C Frazee, X Han, KL Swingle, J Qin, M-G Alameh, K Wang, D Weissman, MJ Mitchell. Hydroxycholesterol substitution in ionizable lipid nanoparticles for mRNA delivery to T cells. Journal of Controlled Release. 347: 521-532 (2022).

13. J Patten, K Wang. Fibronectin in development and wound healing. Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews. 170: 353-368 (2021).

12. M Krohn-Grimberghe, MJ Mitchell, MJ Schloss, OF Khan, G Courties, PPG Guimaraes, D Rohde, S Cremer, PS Kowalski, Y Sun, M Tan, J Webster, K Wang, Y Iwamoto, SP Schmidt, GR Wojtkiewicz, R Nayar, V Frodermann, M Hulsmans, A Chung, FF Hoyer, FK Swirski, R Langer, DG Anderson, M Nahrendorf. Nanoparticle-encapsulated siRNAs for gene silencing in the haematopoietic stem-cell niche. Nature Biomedical Engineering. (2020). 

11. BR Seo, X Chen, L Ling, AA Shimpi, YH Song, L Ling, S Choi, J Gonzalez, J Sapudom, K Wang, RCA Eguiluz, D Gourdon, V Shenoy, C Fischbach. Collagen microarchitecture mechanically controls myofibroblast differentiation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 117(21): 11387-11398 (2020).

10. JH Kim, AF Pegoraro, A Das, S Koehler, SA Ujwary, B Lan, JA Mitchel, L Atia, S He, K Wang, D Bi, M Zaman, J-A Park, JP Butler, KH Lee, JR Starr, JJ Fredberg. Unjamming and collective migration in MCF10A breast cancer cell lines. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 521(3): 706-715 (2020). 

9. PPG Guimaraes, M Tan, T Tammela, K Wu, A Chung, M Oberli, K Wang, R Spektor, RS Riley, CTR Viana, T Jacks, R Langer, MJ Mitchell. Potent in vivo lung cancer Wnt signaling inhibition via cyclodextrin-LGK974 inclusion complexes. Journal of Controlled Release. 290: 75-87 (2018).

8. K Wang, F Wu, BR Seo, C Fischbach, W Chen, L Hsu, D Gourdon. Breast cancer cells alter the dynamics of stromal fibronectin-collagen interactions. Matrix Biology.60-61: 86-95 (2017).

7. K Wang, L-H Cai, B Lan, JJ Fredberg. Hidden in the mist no more: physical force in cell biology. Nature Methods. 13: 124-125 (2016).

6. K Wang, BR Seo, C Fischbach, D Gourdon. Fibronectin mechanobiology regulates tumorigenesis. Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering.9: 1-11 (2016). *2017 CMBE Most Downloaded Article Award at BMES*

5. BR Seo, P Bhardwaj, S Choi, J. Gonzalez, RC Andresen Eguiluz, K Wang, S. Mohanan, PG Morris, B Du, XK Zhou, LT Vahdat, A Verma, O Elemento, CA Hudis, RM Williams, D Gourdon, AJ Dannenberg, C Fischbach. Obesity-dependent changes in interstitial ECM mechanics promote breast tumorigenesis. Science Translational Medicine.7(301):301ra130 (2015).

4. AMD Wan, S Inal, T Williams, K Wang, P Leleux, L Estevez, CK Ober, EP Giannelis, C Fischbach, GG Malliaras, D Gourdon. 3D Conducting Polymer Platforms for Electrical Control of Protein Conformation and Cellular Functions. Journal of Materials Chemistry Part B & C. 3:5040-5048 (2015).

3. K Wang*, RC Andresen Eguiluz*, F Wu, BR Seo, C Fischbach, D Gourdon. Stiffening and unfolding of early deposited-fibronectin increase proangiogenic factor secretion by breast cancer-associated stromal cells. Biomaterials. 54: 63-71(2015). * Authors contributed equally

2. TM D’Alfonso, K Wang, YL Chiu, SJ Shin. Pathologic Upgrade Rates on Subsequent Excision When Lobular Carcinoma In Situ Is the Primary Diagnosis in the Needle Core Biopsy With Special Attention to the Radiographic Target. Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine. 137(7): 927-935 (2013).

1. C Hashi, Y Zhu, GY Yan, WL Young, BS Hsiao, K Wang, B Chu, S Li. Antithrombogenic property of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells in nanofibrous vascular grafts. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 104(29): 11915-11920 (2007).