
Currently, I am a research assistant and lab coordinator for the Research in Spatial Cognition lab (RISC) led by Dr. Nora S. Newcombe and Dr. Thomas F. Shipley at Temple University. My undergraduate research includes over two years of experience in the Ecological Neuroscience lab (ECON) led by Dr. Matthieu de Wit, and college-funded independent research in cognitive psychology advised by Dr. Alexandra Frazer. I earned my B.S. in Neuroscience and Studio Art from Muhlenberg College.

I will be attending Brown University to pursue my PhD in cognitive science, beginning in fall of 2024.

Post-Baccalaureate Research Photos:

Presenting at the 2023 Society for Neuroscience annual meeting in Washington, DC

Undergraduate Research Photos:

Presenting at the 2022 Cognitive Neuroscience Society annual meeting in San Francisco, CA
Presenting at the 2021 Muhlenberg College Celebration of Student Research