
“I would not think to touch the sky with two arms”

Sappho, 51

This is a picture that my friend Lauren took while I was reading her tarot cards. I feel like this is just one photo that symbolizes a lot of my newfound ideals I gained over the pandemic and over break. Isolation caused my mind to question my truth and my reality more than ever, so I did a lot of discovery and soul searching within myself. My title is alignment because when I do certain things that cause me to achieve peace and harmony, I am at my best, and I am content with my higher self. These things including reflection and a lot of shadow work. Throughout all of this, I am still learning, because the whole point of this is to grow and align with the divine energy that lies within. My quote is, “I would not think to touch the sky with two arms”, because I can reach the sky with just my mind. Meditation has helped me realize that I can access a new level of consciousness outside of my body, and through this is where I can touch the sky and anything else that I desire.

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