Comparing new book circulation

Acad. Yr. Books Total Circ Circ>=1 Avg CAT DATE Avg Copyright Circ per bk % Circ>=1
2012-2013 19777 6019 4499 12/31/12 2011 0.30 22.75%
2013-2014 15521 5404 3319 1/2/14 2013 0.35 21.38%

This chart shows the total number of new print books made available during each of the past two academic years, along with the aggregate circulation during the same academic year. It’s interesting to note that despite many fewer print books purchased in 2013-2014 (due to both big ebook purchases and declining budgets), the ratios of circulation per book and percentage of books having circulated at least once remained relatively constant.

Locations: Paley, Ambler, and ESL Stacks
Languages: All
Total Circ is the sum of all circulation
Circ>=1 is the count of all books that have circulated at least once
Circ per book is the Total Circ/Books
% Circ>=1 is Total Circ/Books

—Fred Rowland

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