Bien, T., Alexander, B. H., Li, C., Goeler-Slough, N., Hsieh, S. T., & Kane, S. A. (2024). Using Pose Estimation and 3D Rendered Models to Study Leg-Mediated Self-righting by Lanternflies. Integrative and Comparative Biology, icae014.
Li, C., Xu, A. J., Beery, E., Hsieh, S. T., & Kane, S. A. 2023. Putting a new spin on insect jumping performance using 3D modeling and computer simulations of spotted lanternfly nymphs. Journal of Experimental Biology, 226(19), jeb246340.
Bien, T., Alexander, B. H., White, E., Hsieh, S. T., & Kane, S. A. 2023. Sizing up spotted lanternfly nymphs for instar determination and growth allometry. PLOS ONE, 18(2), e0265707.
Kane, SA, T Bien*, L Contreras-Orendain*, MF Ochs, ST Hsieh. 2021. Many ways to land upright: novel righting strategies allow spotted lanternfly nymphs to land on diverse substrates. Royal Society Interface.
Pravin, S, B Chang, E Han, L London, DI Goldman, HM Jaeger, and ST Hsieh.2021. Effect of two parallel intruders on work during granular penetrations. Physics Rev E.
Schwaner, MJ, ST Hsieh, CP McGowan. 2021. An Introduction to An Evolutionary Tail: EvoDevo, Structure and Function of Post-Anal Appendages. Integrative and Comparative Biology. icab134. DOI: 10.1093/icb/icab134.
Schwaner, MJ, ST Hsieh, et al. 2021. Future Tail Tales: A Forward-Looking, Integrative Perspective on Tail Research. Integrative and Comparative Biology. icab082. 10.1093/icb/icab082
Carter, AJ, ST Hsieh, P Dodson, L Sallan. 2021. Early amphibians evolved distinct vertebrae for habitat invasions. PLoS ONE. 16(6): e0251983.
Pfeiffenberger, JP, ST Hsieh. 2021. Autotomy induced effects on the locomotor performance of the ghost crab, Ocypode quadrata.
J Exp Biol. 224(10):jeb233536. doi: 10.1242/jeb.233536
Han, E, L Zhao, N Van Ha, ST Hsieh, DB Szyld, HM Jaeger. 2019. Dynamic jamming of dense suspensions under tilted impact. Phys. Rev. Fluids. 4(6): 063304. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevFluids.4.063304
Behm, J, BR Waite, ST Hsieh, MR Helmus. 2018. Benefits and limitations of three-dimensional printing technology for ecological research. BMC Ecology.
Wilshin, S, PS Shamble, KJ Hovey*, R Harris*, AJ Spence, ST Hsieh. 2018. Limping following limb loss increases locomotor stability. The Journal of Experimental Biology. 2018: jeb.174268. doi: 10.1242/jeb.174268
Tollis, M, ED Hutchin, J Stapley, WL Eckalbar*, SM Rupp, I Maayan*, E Lasku*, CR Infante, S Dennis, JA Robertson, CM May, MR Crusoe, E Bermingham, DF DeNardo, ST Hsieh, MJ Huentelman, RJ Kulathinal, WO McMillan, DB Menke, SD Pratt, JA Rawls, O Sanjur, MA Wilson Sayres, J Wilson-Rawls, RE Fisher, K Kusumi. 2018. Comparative genomics reveals accelerated evolution in conserved pathways during the diversification of anole lizards. Genome Biology and Evolution. 10:489-506. doi: 10.1093/gbe/evy013
Hsieh, ST. 2016. Tail loss and narrow surfaces decrease locomotor stability in the arboreal green anole lizard (Anolis carolinensis). The Journal of Experimental Biology. 219(Pt 3):364-73. doi: 10.1242/jeb.124958
Ashley-Ross, MA, ST Hsieh, AC Gibb, RW Blob. 2013.Vertebrate Land Invasions – Past, Present, and Future: an introduction to the symposium. Integrative and Comparative Biology. 53(2):192-196. doi:10.1093/icb/ict048
Gibb, AC, MA Ashley-Ross, ST Hsieh. 2013. Thrash, flip, or jump: how do new behaviors evolve when teleost fishes are confronted with a novel environment? Integrative and Comparative Biology. 53(2):295-306. doi:10.1093/icb/ict052
Li C, Hsieh ST, DI Goldman. 2012. Multi-functional foot use during running in the zebra-tailed lizard (Callisaurus draconoides). The Journal of Experimental Biology. 215:3293-3308. doi:10.1242/jeb.061937
Ord, TJ, ST Hsieh. 2011. A Highly Social, Land-Dwelling Fish Defends Territories in a Constantly Fluctuating Environment. Ethology. 117(10):918-927.
2010 and earlier
Hsieh, ST.2010. A locomotor innovation enables water-land transition in a marine fish. PLoS One. 5(6): e11197.
Hsieh, ST.2006. A three-axis optical force plate for studies in small animal locomotion. Review of Scientific Instruments. 77:054303
Autumn, K, ST Hsieh, DM Dudek, J Chen, C Chitaphan, and RJ Full. 2006. Dynamics of geckos running vertically. The Journal of Experimental Biology. 209:260-272
Hsieh, ST and GV Lauder. 2004. Running on water: three-dimensional force generation by basilisk lizards. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 101(48):16784-16788.
Hsieh, ST. 2003. Three-dimensional hindlimb kinematics of water running in the plumed basilisk lizard (Basiliscus plumifrons). The Journal of Experimental Biology. 206:4363-4377
Autumn, K, Y Liang, ST Hsieh, W Zesch, WP Chan, T Kenny, R Fearing, and RJ Full. 2000. Adhesive force of a single gecko foot-hair. Nature. 405(6787):681-685
Hsieh, ST, RE Ballard, G Murthy, AR Hargens, VA Convertino. 1998. Plasma colloid osmotic pressure increases in humans during simulated microgravity. Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine. 69:23-26
Conference and Technical Papers
Liang YA, K Autumn, ST Hsieh,W Zesch, WP Chan, R Fearing, RJ Full, TW Kenny. 2000. Adhesion force measurements on single gecko setae. In: Technical Digest of the 2000 Solid-State Sensor and Actuator Workshop, Hilton Head Island, SC. pp.33-38
Matsuyama M, T Ueno, C Yang, ST Hsieh, HB Lillywhite, AR Hargens. 1998. Evolutionary adaptations of intracranial pressure to gravity. In: NASA Ames Research Center Research and Technology 1997.