Faculty Affairs Open Faculty Office Hours for Fall 2024 take place most Wednesday afternoons and Thursday mornings. You can schedule a slot or drop by. Meetingscan be about anything faculty life related, like career planning, promotion, mentorship, leadership, work and life transitions, public scholarship, service engagement, or even simply updates on what you’re doing and what you’re excited about. Virtual office hours will be at my personal Zoom room. Email me for more details and links.
Faculty Office Hours Schedule
Wed., October 9 3:00-4:30pm EPIBIO (Ritter Annex 921)
Thu., October 10 8:30-10:00am Zoom
Wed., October 16 3:00-4:30pm Stella’s Café, Charles Library
Thu., October 17 8:30-10:00am Zoom
Thu., October 24 8:30-10:00am Zoom
Wed., October 30 3:00-4:30pm SSW (Ritter Annex 5th Floor)
Thu., October 31 9:30-11:00am CSD (Weiss Hall)
Wed., November 6 3:00-4:30pm HRS (1700 N. Grand, 3rd Fl.)
Thu., November 7 8:30-10:00am Zoom
Wed., November 13 3:00-4:30pm SBS (Ritter Annex 992)
Thu., November 14 8:30-10:00am Zoom
Wed., November 20 3:00-4:30pm Zoom
Thu., November 21 8:30-10:00am Zoom
Wed., December 4 3:00-4:30pm HSAP (Ritter Annex 5th Floor)
Thu., December 5 8:30-10:00am Zoom
Thu., December 12 8:30-10:00am Zoom
Wed., December 18 3:00-4:30pm Zoom
Faculty Success at Temple College of Public Health Posts
Temple University and Temple University College of Public Health have built national reputations for leadership in teaching and pedagogical innovation. We not only celebrate our faculty for their teaching excellence here, we literally carve the names of our Great Teachers in stone in the heart of campus. By this summer, four of the College of Public Health’s faculty will have their names etched in that circle of excellence.
We are always looking for ways to support our faculty’s growth and success in the classroom, in their fields, and through processes like promotion. On April 18, we are holding a two-hour kick off event to mark a new collaboration with the Center for the Advancement of Teaching to provide CPH faculty with new trainings and resources on researching the efficacy of instructional strategies and highlighting their teaching effectiveness.
Our CPH faculty are invited to participate in both a College of Public Health-focused Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Teaching Circle that will begin in Fall 2024, and an asynchronous, self-paced course on developing teaching portfolios that can then be used to advance faculty reflection and growth in their teaching, and can support their preparation for promotion, annual reviews, and the presentation of their teaching-related work for departmental, college, and university teaching awards.
Scholarship Focused on Student Learning and Classroom Experience can Change Lives
Perhaps you tried a new teaching method. How might you know whether it was successful? Maybe you plan to implement an innovative assessment. How will you gauge its ability to capture student learning and development? That’s where the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) comes in.
SoTL is research focused on student learning and classroom experience. It provides the opportunity to systematically examine pedagogical practices, intentionally and iteratively refine them based on newly constructed empirical evidence, and disseminate findings with educators across academia with the goal to increase student success. Additional benefits gained include further humanizing your teaching by deeply and empathetically reflecting on your educational practices to foster universally inclusive learning environments so all students can succeed. Furthermore, the more robust and evidence-based our teaching practices become, the more we are able to demonstrate our leadership as teachers and drive transformative educational policy discussions.
Your own experiences as a student, current observations as an instructor, and insights from academic literature will fuel your SoTL pursuits.
A number of CPH faculty have engaged in SoTL and other Teaching Circles run through CAT. This Fall, in collaboration with CAT, the College will launch a CPH SoTL Circle for our faculty interested in being part of a community of colleagues who are developing and advancing Scholarship of Teaching & Learning projects. Faculty can reach out to me to learn more.
The Practice of Developing an Authentic Teaching Portfolio
A well-designed teaching portfolio can support career advancement and offer faculty and teaching assistants a chance to reflect on their philosophical and practical approach to teaching. However, faculty are too often not introduced to the idea of developing a teaching portfolio early enough and find themselves scrambling to collect and organize components immediately prior to applying for promotions or awards. The asynchronous resource Authentic and Effective Teaching Portfolios in Public Health will introduce faculty to the essential ingredients for a quality teaching portfolio, including how to develop a philosophy of teaching and diversity statement, identify artifacts that demonstrate aspects of teaching practice instructors wish to highlight and establish a method of collecting items gradually to reduce stress when finalizing a portfolio for a specific purpose. It is based on the CAT’s successful facilitated online course Create an Effective and Authentic Teaching Portfolio and is designed to reduce the stress and frustration and maximize the teaching and career advancement benefits of creating and maintaining a teaching portfolio.
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Faculty Office Hours – Tuesdays over Lunch & Wednesday Afternoons: In March and April, I will be holding Faculty Office Hours on Tuesdays 11am-12:30pm (feel free to bring your lunch) and Wednesdays from 3:30-5pm at various locations in and around our department office spaces and other central campus sites. I would love for you to drop by during these times and catch up with you, hear what you’re excited about, and talk about whatever other topics are on your mind. If you would like to reserve a specific time to meet, or if the days and times below don’t work for you, you can click this link to set up an appointment, or you can always email me at ross.silverman@temple.edu.
Here are the Spring 2024 faculty office hours, and the offices I’ll be calling my home base on those days:
March 5, 11-12:30: Pearson 254
March 6, 3:30-5: Ritter 921
March 12, 11-12:30: Charles Library Lobby (I’m happy to buy you a coffee)
March 13, 3:30-5: Ritter 530
March 19, 11-12:30: Bell 374D (Dean’s office suite)
March 20, 3:30-5: Bell 374D
March 26, 11-12:30: Charles Library Lobby
March 27, 3:30-5: Jones Hall 515
April 2, 11-12:30: Bell 374D
April 3, 3:30-5: Ritter 921
April 9, 11-12:30: Charles Library Lobby
April 10, 3:30-5: University Faculty Awards Ceremony
April 16, 11-12:30: Ritter 530
April 17, 3:30-5: Bell 374D
April 23, 11-12:30: Charles Library Lobby
April 24, 3:30-5: Ritter 921
April 30, 11-12:30: Pearson 254
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Click on the links below to hear a wonderful conversation with Dr. Cheryl Hyde, a senior faculty member in our School of Social Work, about her work, the values of Social Work, and her recent sabbatical. The interview is in two parts below. Total running time is around 38 minutes — faster if, like me, you tend to listen to podcasts at higher than 1.0x speed.
You can find out more information about sabbatical planning, including institutional deadlines, application details and forms, and model application materials by emailing me with your questions or to set up a meeting. You also can find sabbatical application and instructions in the Faculty Tools section of TUPortal by typing “Sabbatical” in the Faculty Affairs forms search box. Cheryl would be happy to talk with you as well.
Thank you for checking out our new blog. I’m Ross Silverman, the Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs and Professor of Health Services Administration and Policy here at the Temple University College of Public Health.
We have incredible faculty here at the College of Public Health, and Assistant Director for Faculty Affairs Nicole Ruffin and I want to help every one of our colleagues flourish. I’ve created this new site to share resources, policies, links to articles, and reflections on issues concerning every phase of your academic career, from your first day as a new faculty member through your transition to retirement. Please also feel free to reach out to me to discuss ways we can support your continued growth and development as a member of our faculty.