It’s Kind of Meant to be a Comedy Francis

Only in Ireland would there be films considered to be comedies that have people accidentally dying in brutal ways in them. In fact, it is quite jarring to watch as an American who has just woken up in Ireland; especially while still slightly in that ‘Have I woken up back in the United States?’ mindset. But this is the entire plot to A Film With Me In It (2008) by Ian Fitzgibbon. It is the absurd story of the very unlikely, accidental deaths of two roommates, their landlord, a policewoman and their dog. The majority of the film consists of the remaining roommate and his friend frantically trying to deal with this unfortunate situation. The plot tries very hard to draw in the audience with one bad decision after another, but fails to entice the viewer into becoming invested in the fates of the characters.

While the series of unfortunate events that befall the characters, the film within a film ending, and the black comedic aspect of the deaths all have potential, each aspect fights with the others for the spotlight. None of the elements get the chance to really resonate with the audience. The film within a film ending feels as though it was almost tacked on at the end in an effort to pull the work together. While sudden and comedic, the deaths never match the absurdity of the rest of the film. The many elements of the film are entertaining and seem like good ideas, but none of them are followed through with enough substance to reach their full potential. Despite the characters being ripe with Irish charm, they are unable to fully charm the viewer into their story and pull together the entirety of the film.

The Irish charisma of the film brings out a unique aspect of Irish cinema: the different sense of humor and otherwise morbid happenings that are not a rarity in Irish film. Finding humor in these kinds of situations is a particular talent of Irish directors. No matter how many negative things happen the characters buckle down and move through it with a dark sense of humor. This black humor has become a staple of the Irish attitude. Even in lighthearted situations there is always something dark to be found underneath.

However, this film is able to communicate a certain easy-going outlook on daily situations that many Irish people have. They look at a situation with an ‘Oh this is your problem? Well, just do this – it’s simple,’ attitude. Upon first arriving in Dublin and talking with some locals, one can get the sense that they do not get flustered easily, especially through the eyes of an American. Even if, for example, 17 students fresh from the United States flood your store and buy out the entire stock of your cheapest phone. Despite generally having a negative outlook on a bad situation they are able to keep their head down and get through it with their very dark sense of humor.

Amos Hanna