*Research Undergraduate and Graduate Assistants: CSNAP is looking for student research assistants in the area of sensors and control. If you are interested in applying for these positions, please email a resume to Dr. Chang-hee Won at cwon@temple.edu.
January 2025: College of Engineering Update
College newsletter highlights CSNAP students win at 2024 IEEE Sensors Conference Big Idea Pitch Competition.
See https://mailchi.mp/temple/newsletter-spring-23-5064339?e=6854b1b3ae
- Ph.D. students Arpita Das and John Bannan won the Best Idea at the IEEE Sensors 2024 WiSe-YP Big Idea Pitch Competition held in Kobe, Japan for their project idea “Smartphone Sensor Scanning System for Characterizing Tumorous Breast Cancer”.
October 2024: IEEE Sensors Conference.
CSNAP will be presenting three papers at 2024 IEEE Sensors Conference:
- “Tactile Zero-Shot Sensing of Breast Tumors: Recognition of Human Data from Phantom Data,”
- “Differential Profile Diagram for Breast Tumor Classification using Vibroacoustic Tactile System,”
- “Dynamic Sensing of an Embedded Object using Laser, Camera, and Collaborative Robot“
August 2024. Editor
CNSAP Director, Chang-hee Won, begins his term as a topical editor for IEEE Sensors Journal, which is one of the largest sensors journals in the world.
July 2024: Journal Publication.
Nazia Rahman, doctoral student, published a journal paper titled, “Bimodal Profile Diagrams for Breast Cancer Detection using Deep Learning,” IEEE Sensors Journal.
June 2024: Pathway and Undergraduate Research
CSNAP lab is hosting two high school students until August 1, 2024 as the Pathway program. We are also hosting two undergraduate students as the NSF Research Experience for Undergraduate program.
September 2023: IEEE Sensors Letters journal publication.
Vira Oleksyuk, Nazia Rahman, Chang-hee Won, “Tactile Sensing System and Convolutional Neural Network for Mechanical Property Classification,” IEEE Sensors Letters, Vol. 7, No. 10, 2023, DOI 10.1109/LSENS.2023.3310356.
September 2023: IEEE Sensors Conference.
Sung In Choi, Dina Caroline, Chang-hee Won, “Breast Cancer Risk Estimation using Patient Health Information and Tactile Sensing System,” IEEE Sensors Conference, Vienna, Austria, October 2023
August 2023: CNSAPEE, Steve Lash successfully defends his dissertation.
May 2023: Research Experience for Undergraduate (REU)
Adam Love and Ahmod Riddick will be joining CSNAP over the summer as NSF REU students. Congratulations!
April 2023: Dynamic Interrogation using Robotic Arms
Hanna Castaldi, Ka Ming Lui, and Zoe Turner successfully demonstrated Kinova robot based tactile imaging system as their senior design project.
January 2023: Dissertation Proposal
CSNAPEE, Steve Lash, successfully completes his dissertation proposal titled, “Model Predictive Minimal Cost Variance Control and Dynamic Interrogation via Robotic Manipulation.” Congratulations!
November 2022: Big Idea Pitch Competition
Congratulations to Nazia Rahman for winning “Best Female Step Ahead Pitch” in the IEEE Sensors 2022 WiSe-YP Big Idea Pitch Competition!

October 2022: IEEE Sensors Conference Presentation
Nazia Rahman and Chang-hee Won will be presenting a paper titled, “Identifying Benign and Malignant Breast Tumor Using Vibro-Acoustic Tactile Imaging Sensor,” IEEE Sensors Conference, Dallas, TX, November 2, 2022.
Chang-hee Won will be presenting a paper titled, “Tactile Sensing Systems for Tumor Characterization: A Review” at the IEEE Sensors Conference, Dallas, TX, on November 1, 2022.
August 2022: Fellowship
Arpita Das received a prestigious Temple University fellowship which provides a scholarship for four years. Congratulations!
August 2022: Engineering Upward Bound Outreach
College of Engineering is hosting fourteen members of underrepresented high school students. We are designing and building the fastest playground slide using CAD and 3D printers.
June 2022: New Doctoral Students
CSNAP welcomes two new doctoral graduate students: Arpita Das and John Bannan. Welcome!
March 2022: SICE Conference Presentation
Steve Lash, Firdous Saleheen, Chang-hee Won, “Hybrid Hierarchical Statistical Control of Robotic Manipulators,” SICE International Symposium on Control Systems, March 8-10, 2022.
November 2021: Invited Talk at ACPR Conference
Chang-Hee Won, “Bimodal Imaging of Breast Cancer using Profile Diagrams and Convolution Neural Network,” Future Impact of AI in Real-World Applications, ACPR 2021, ICC Jeju, Korea.
August 2021: NSF Grant
CSNAP lab is awarded an NSF grant titled, “Dynamic Interrogation using Bimodal Sensing and Statistical Game Control.” We look forward to contributing to this area.
August 2021: New CSNAPEEs
CSNAP welcomes two new graduate students: Richard Sand and Nazia Rahman. Welcome, we look forward to working with you.
July 2021: Doctoral Student
Vira Oleksyuk successfully defended her doctoral thesis titled, “Tactile and Multispectral Bimodal Imaging for Breast Cancer Risk Assessment.” Congratulations! She will be working at ASML company is Connecticut.
May 2021: Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference
A paper titled, “Tissue Inclusion Characterization using Tactile Profile Diagrams” has been submitted for 43rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC) (EMBC 2021) at the Expo Guadalajara, Mexico.
March 2021: New CSNAPEE
Nazia Rahman received a prestigious Temple University fellowship which provides a scholarship for four years. Welcome to CSNAP lab!
July 2020: Presentation at IEEE Conference
S. Choi, Vira Oleksyuk, D. Caroline, S. Pascarella, R. Kendzierski and C.-H. Won presented a paper titled, “Breast Tumor Malignancy Classification using Smartphone Compression-induced Sensing System and Deformation Index Ratio,” 42stAnnual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society.
June 2020: New Grant
CSANP Lab received a grant titled, “Breast Cancer Risk Assessment by Differential Index” from Temple University.
November, 2019: Smartphone-based Tactile Probe Demonstration at NIH
V. Oleksyuk, S. Choi, and C.-H. Won demonstrate Smartphone-based Tactile Imaging Probes at NIH Point of Care Conference.
Won first place in the technology demonstration of SCIS systems!
October, 2019: CSNAP Sponsored Guest Lecture.
Professor Hyo-Sung Ahn, School of Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST), will give a talk about “Distributed formation control: A generalized framework for multi-agent and network systems.”
October, 2019: Presentation at IEEE Sensors Conference.
S. Choi, V. Oleksyuk, D. Caroline2, S. Pascarella, J. Kybic and C.-H. Won, “Tumor Characterization using Deformation Index Variation in Smartphone-based Compression-induced Sensor”
January to July, 2019: Fulbright Distinguished Chair.
Chang-hee Won will be at Czech Technical University in Prague for his Fulbright Program.
September, 2018: Connections in Smart Health Workshop.
Chang-hee Won presents a project titled, “Edema Quantification with Smartphone Dynamic Imaging Probe” in Washington DC.
July, 2018: Firdous Saleheen joins EDDA Tech as a research scientist. Congratulations!
July, 2018: IEEE EMBC Presentation.
Firdous Saleheen, Jesse Goldstein, Reshma Rajan, Dina Caroline, Suzy Pascarella, and Chang-hee Won will present a paper titled, “Smartphone-based Compression-Induced Scope with Temperature Sensor for Inflammatory Breast Cancer Screening” in Honolulu, Hawaii.
May, 2018: Master’s thesis defense
Zicong Wang successfully defended his thesis titled, “Smartphone-Based Compression-Induced Imaging System Data Security.
April 16, 2018: SPIE Defense, Security, and Sensing Conference Presentation
Firdous Saleheen presented a paper titled “Itchy Skin Region Detection using Hyperspectral Imaging” in Orlando, FL. This paper is authored by Firdous Saleheen, Vira Oleksyuk, and Chang-hee Won.
February, 2018: The CSNAP lab director, Dr. Won, is selected as a Fulbright Scholar.
January, 2018: Advances in Engineering Education Journal Publication.
Firdous Saleheen, Brian P. Butz, Joseph Picone, and Chang-Hee Won published an article in the educational journal titled, “Efficacy of a Virtual Teaching Assistant in an Open Laboratory Environment for Circuits.”
December, 2017: Firdous Saleheen joins CSNAP as a post doctoral fellow.
November, 2017: IEEE-NIH Speical Topics Conference on Healthcare Innovations and Point-of-Care Technologies Presentation.
Vira Oleksyuk, Firdous Saleheen, Jesse Goldstein, Sung In Choi, Dina Caroline, Suzanne Pascarella, Chang-Hee Won will demo a medical device titled, “Translation Demo: Tactile Imaging Probe for Breast Tumor Phantom Mechanical Property Estimation” in NIH Natcher Conference Center, MD.
Sung In Choi,Jesse Goldstein,Vira Oleksyuk,Zicong Wang,Dina Caroline,Suzanne Pascarella,Chang-Hee Won will present a paper titled, “Design of Smartphone-Based Compression-Induced Imaging System for Early Stage Breast Cancer Detection” in NIH Natcher Conference Center, MD.
July, 2017: IEEE EMBC Presentation.
C.H. Won, Jesse Goldstein, Vira Oleksyuk, Dina Caroline, and Suzy Pascarella presented a paper titled, “Tumor Size and Elasticity Estimation using Smartphone-based Compression-Induced Scope” in JeJu Island, Korea.
June, 2017: IEEE Sensors Council Summer School
CSNAPEE, Vira Oleksyuk, was selected to attend IEEE Sensors Council Summer School for Optical Fibre Sensor in Limerick, Ireland. She also obtained a travel grant for the summer school. Congratulations!
June, 2017: National Institute of Health Study Section.
CSNAP director, C.H. Won is invited to review proposals for NIH Study section.
May, 2017: Temple News.
Professor developing a smartphone case that can detect tumors, see Temple News.
April, 2017: National Science Foundation Panel Review.
CSNAP director, C.H. Won is invited to review proposals for NSF CISE directorate.
March, 2017: Master’s thesis defense
Bill Moser successfully defended his thesis titled, “Third Generation Tactile Imaging System with New Interface, Calibration Method and Wear Indication.”
February, 2017: New post doc.
A new postdoctoral fellow, Reshma Rajan, joins CSNAP. Welcome Reshma.
August, 2016: IEEE EMBC Presentation.
Vira Oleksyuk, K. Frandsen, A. Test, S. Choi, and C.-H. Won are invited to present a poster titled, “Smartphone-based Compression-Induced Scope Prototype for Tumor Characterization” in Orlando, Florida.
June, 2016: National ASEE Conference Presentation.
CSNAP is invited to present a poster titled, “Effectiveness of Virtual Open Laboratory Teaching Assistant for Open Circuits Laboratory” in New Orleans, Louisiana.
April, 2016: Envisioning the Future of Undergraduate STEM Education Symposium.
CSNAP is invited to present a paper titled, “Enhancing an Open Laboratory-Based Circuits Experience with a Virtual Laboratory Assistant” in Washington DC, sponsored by NSF and AAAS.
February, 2016: Department of Defense Grant.
CSNAP receives a grant from DoD to develop a smartphone-based compression-induced scope.
November, 2015: IEEE Sensors Conference Presentation.
Fridous Saleheen and Chang-Hee Won are invited to present a poster titled, “Dynamic Positioing Sensing System for Estimating Size and Depth of Embedded Objects,” in Busan, Korea.
October, 2015: Edmund Optics Educational Award.
Vira Oleksyuk won silver award in 2015 Educational Award sponsored by Edmund Optics. She is receiving $7,500 in products from them. Congratulations on this national award!
October, 2015: IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference (BIOCAS) Presentation and Demo.
CSNAP is invited to present a poster and a demo at the BIOCAS conference in Atlanta, Georgia.
June, 2015: National ASEE Conference Presentation.
CSNAP is invited to present a poster titled, “Design of a Virtual Laboratory Assistant for Open Circuits Laboratory” in Seattle, WA.
April, 2015: Midatlantic ASEE Conference Presentation.
Vira Oleksyuk presented a poster titled, “Tactile Imaging System for Tumor Characterization” in Villanova, PA. First Place, poster award.
November, 2014: Midatlantic ASEE Conference Presentation.
Firdous Saleheen presented a poster titled, “Design of the Virtual Laboratory Assistant for Electrical Circuits Laboratories” in Swarthmore, PA. First Place, Poster Award.
August, 2014: Technically Philly.
CSNAPEE, Sal Giorgi, was featured on Technically Philly for Virtual Laboratory Assistant Project. See Technically Philly.
July, 2014: Ayuda Community Center Outreach.
CSNAPEE delivered eight computers and LEGO Mindstorm EV3s to Ayuda Community Center to support their robotics program.
June, 2014: APCOT Conference Presentation.
Chang-Hee Won will be presenting a paper titled, “Compression-induced imaging and spectral sensing systems.” in Daegu, Korea
April, 2014: CSNAPEE Selected for Summer Research.
CSNAPEE, Zach Smith, was selected for the Undergraduate Summer Research Program sponsored by the College of Engineering.
February, 2014: Journal Paper Invitation.
IEEE Sensors Conference paper was selected as one of the best papers of the conference and it was invited to submit as a journal paper for a prestigious IEEE Sensors Journal.
January 8-10, 2014: Technology Demonstration at NIH.
Vira Oleksyuk and Change-Hee Won demonstrated Compression-induce Imaging System at NIH’s “Cancer Detection, Diagnosis, and Treatment Technologies for Global Health,” Bethesda, Maryland.
January 2014: IEEE Journal Publication.
Bei Kang, Chukwuemeka, and Change-Hee Won published a paper entitled “Statistical Control for Performance Shaping using Cost Cumulants” in IEEE Transaction on Automatic Control, January issue.
November 2013: IEEE Sensors Conference Presentation
Chang-Hee Won will be presenting a paper titled “Tactile and Hyperspectral Imaging Sensors for Mammary Tumor Characterization” at the IEEE Sensors Conference in Baltimore, MD.
July 19, 2013: CSNAP hosts Ayuda Center STEM Students!
CSNAP and the Department of Electrical Engineering hosts Ayuda Center students for a day-long outreach activities. The objective was to introduce engineering to young elementary and middle school students.
July 2013: CSNAPEE receives College of Engineering Scholarship!
Congratulations to Vira Oleksyuk for receiving Alvin Greenspan Endowed Scholarship from Temple College of Engineering.
June 17, 2013: Britton Chance Centennial Symposium Presentation
Amrita Sahu presented a poster titled “Differentiating Malignant and Benign Canine Mammary Tumors using Multispectral Imaging System” at the Britton Chance Centennial Symposium at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA.
June 2013: CSNAPEE receives National Science Foundation Fellowship!
Vira Oleksyuk wins the prestigious NSF Graduate Research Fellowship. NSF received over 13,000 submitted applications for the 2013 competition. Congratulations Vira!
May 2, 2013: SPIE Defense, Security, and Sensing Conference Presentation
Amrita Sahu will be presenting a paper titled “Hyperspectral imaging system to discern malignant and benign canine mammary tumors” at the Smart Biomedical and Physiological Sensor Technology X Conference in Baltimore, MD.
May 2, 2013: SPIE Defense, Security, and Sensing Conference Presentation
Firdous Saleheen will be presenting a paper titled “Noninvasive mechanical properties estimation of embedded objects using tactile imaging sensor” at the Smart Biomedical and Physiological Sensor Technology X Conference in Baltimore, MD.
October 22, 2012: Poster Presentation
Vira Oleksyuk, Amrita Sahu, Firdous Saleheen, and Chang-Hee Won has been accepted to present a poster titled “Tactile Imaging System for Mammary Tumor Characterization” at Biotech 2012, in Philadelphia, PA on October 22, 2012.
September 15, 2012: Symposium Presentation
Amrita Sahu, Firdous Saleheen, Vira Oleksyuk, and Chang-Hee Won will be giving a presentation entitled “Hyperspectral and Tactile Imaging of Canine Mammary Tumors” at the Fourth Annual Graduate Fellows Research Symposium, at Temple University on September 15, 2012.
September 3, 2012: Paper Award
Salvatore Giorgi and Firdous Saleheen won the Best Paper in Track award in the “Complex Networked Control Systems” track of the 5th International Symposium on Resilient Control Systems (ISRCS).
August 14-16, 2012: Conference Presentation
CSNAPEEs, Salvatore Giorgi, Firdous Saleheen, Frank Ferrese, and Chang-Hee Won have a paper, “Adaptive Neural Replication and Resilient Control Despite Malicious Changes to the Plant,” accepted for presentation at the 5th International Symposium on Resilient Control Systems, Salt Lake City, Utah, August 14-16, 2012.
July 28, 2012: Conference Presentation
CSNAPEEs, Bei Kang, Chukwuemeka Aduba and Chang-Hee Won have a paper, “Statistical optimal control; Cumulant minimization; Neural networks; Cost cumulants; Performance Shaping,” accepted for presentation at the 9th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation, and Robotics Conference, Rome, Italy.
April 17, 2012: CSNAP receives a grant!
CSNAP director received a grant from CURE Formula Fund program. Congratulations!
April 16, 2012: CSNAP on a newspaper
The front page Health & Science section of today’s Inquirer features a story on the tactile imaging sensor created by Chang Hee Won. The story is also online and features a photo, Click Inquirer story here.
April, 2012: Scholarships
CSNAPEEs, Katie Frandsen received Delaware Valley Engineers Week Undergraduate Scholarship, and Vira Oleksyuk was selected for Diamond Scholar Program. Congratulations to both!
March 17, 2012: Conference Presentation
CSNAPEEs, Firdous Saleheen, Amrita Sahu, Vira Olekshyuk, and Chang-Hee Won presented a paper titled, “Normal Force Estimation using Tactile Imaging Sensor,” 2012 Northeast Bioengineering Conference, Philadelphia, PA.
January 27, 2012: CSNAP featured in the NBC 10 News
CNSAP lab’s tactile imaging sensor was featured in NBC 10 News. See NBC 10 News
January 19, 2012: CSNAP featured in the Temple News
CNSAP lab’s tactile imaging sensor was featured in Temple News. See Temple News
October 13, 2011: Conference Poster Presentations
CSNAPEEs, Jong-Ha Lee and Chang-Hee Won will present a poster titled, “Optical Tactile Imaging System for Quantification and Display of Breast Tumors,” BMES 2011 Annual Fall Meeting, Hartford, Connecticut.
September 7, 2011: Measurement Journal Publication
Zexi Liu, Chuks Aduba, and Chang-Hee Won’s paper “IN-PLANE DEAD RECKONING WITH KNEE AND WAIST ATTACHED GYROSCOPES” has been accepted for publication in Measurement journal. Congratulations!
September, 2011: IEEE Journal Publication
CSNAPEEs, Jong-Ha Lee and Chang-Hee Won published a paper titled, “Tactile Elasticity Imaging Sensor and Non-rigid Pattern Matching Algorithm,” IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol. 11, No. 9, ISSN: 1530-437X, pp. 2084-2093, September 2011.
August 30, 2011: Conference Presentations
CSNAPEEs, Jong-Ha Lee and Chang-Hee Won will present a paper titled, “Inclusion Mechanical Property Estimation using Tactile Images, Finite Element Method, and Artificial Neural Network,” 33th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Boston MA.
August 22, 2011: Conference Poster Presentations
CSNAPEEs, Jong-Ha Lee and Chang-Hee Won will present a paper titled, “Malignant Tumor Detecting System using Tactile Images,” at Cancer Detection & Diagnostics Technologies for Global Health Conference, Natcher Auditorium, NIH, Bethesda, Maryland.
June, 2011: Jong-Ha Lee
CSNAPEE, Jong-Ha Lee, successfully defended his doctoral dissertation. Congratulations Dr. Lee!
May 31, 2011: Statistical Optimal Control Using Neural Network to be presented at the International Symposium on Neural Networks
Bei Kang and Chang-Hee Won will present a paper titled, “Statistical Optimal Control using Neural Network,” at 2011 ISNN conference in Guilin, China. This paper will also be published in Springer’s LNCS.
May 16, 2011: Bei Kang
CSNAPEE, Bei Kang received his doctoral degree on May commencement. Congratulations Dr. Kang!
April 30, 2011: Temple and CSNAP will host 2011 Indoor Aerial Robot Competition
CSNAP and undergraduate students, Mubin Ahmed (Team Lead), Sahas Patel, Yue Liu and Hai Nguyen, will compete in the Indoor Aerial Robot Competition hosted at Temple University. The video can be viewed here.
February, 2011: IEEE Journal Publication
CSNAPEEs, Jong-Ha Lee and Chang-Hee Won published a paper titled, �Topology Preserving Relaxation Labeling for Non-rigid Point Matching,� IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol. 33, No. 2, February 2011, pp.427-432.
February 2011: Tactile Imaging Sensor Video Published to CSNAP Website
A video created to introduce the tactile imaging sensor developed by CSNAP has been published to the CSNAP website. The video can be viewed here.
February 2011: Commercialization Grant
CSNAPEE director, Chang-Hee Won, received a grant from BioStrategy Partners to investigate the use of the tactile imaging system for breast cancer application. Congratulations!
February 2011: Tactile Sensation Imaging System for Inclusion Mechanical Property Characterization
CSNAPEEs presented a poster titled, “Tactile Sensation Imaging System for Inclusion Mechanical Property Characterization,” at the SPIE Photonics West, BiOS conference.
January 2011: CSNAPEEs Receive Two Awards at SPIE Phontonics West 2011 Conference
CSNAPEE, Jong-Ha Lee won a travel grant from SPIE. This is highly competitive award. CSNAP director, Chang-Hee Won, received 2nd place at the Biophotonics start-up pitch Challenge. He will be sponsored to attend the UC Davis Biomedical Engineering Entrepreneurship Academy this summer. Congratulations!
January, 2011: Tactile Sensation Imaging System for Inclusion Mechanical Property Characterization
CSNAPEEs will be presenting a poster titled, “Tactile Sensation Imaging System for Inclusion Mechanical Property Characterization,” at the SPIE Photonics West, BiOS conference.
October, 2010: Detecting Malignant Tumors with Tactile Imaging Biosensor
The poster titled, “Detecting Malignant Tumors with Tactile Imaging Biosensor,” by C. Won, J. Lee and N. Garcia-Acosta was presented at Biotech 2010 at the Pennsylvania Convention Center in Philadelphia, PA.
September, 2010: High Resolution Tactile Imaging Sensor
The paper entitled “High Resolution Tactile Imaging Sensor Using Total Internal Reflection and Non-rigid Pattern Matching Algorithm” authored by J. Lee and C. Won, has been submitted to the IEEE Sensors Journal.
September, 2010: CSNAP Files for Provisional Patent for Tactile Imaging Sensor
Temple University and CSNAP have filed for a provisional patent application titled, “Apparatus and Method for Surface and Subsurface Tactile Sensation Imaging.” This sensor generates a tactile image and estimates the stiffness of a embedded object utilizing a flexible transparent optical waveguide and optical principles. The tactile sensing system is comprised of a multiply layered probe, light sources, a camera, a processor, and a display unit.
September 2010: CSNAP Files for a Patent in Moduluar Navigation Aid
CSNAP through Temple Office of Technology Transfer files for a patent titled, “Modular Navigation System and Methods.” Positioning technologies have availed various commercial applications which are becoming commonplace. Included in such technologies are global positioning system (GPS) applications which have become integrated in various modalities ranging from mobile phones and camping gear to mobile navigation systems. GPS, however, does not work in stressed environment such as urban canyons, indoors, forests, and tunnels. In this invention, we provide a system and method to augment GPS signals in order to robustly navigate in stressed environments.
August, 2010: Statistical Control of Control-Affine Nonlinear Systems with Nonquadratic Cost Functions
The article titled, “Statistical control of control-affine nonlinear systems with nonquadratic cost functions: HJB and verification theorems” authored by C. Won, R. Diersing and B. Kang was published in Automatica and is available online.
Statistical Control of Control-Affine Nonlinear Systems with Nonquadratic Cost Functions
August, 2010: US-Korea Conference on Science, Technology and Entrepreneurship
A paper titled, “Artificial Tactile Sensing for Healthcare Application” will be presented at 2010 US-Korea Conference on Science, Technology, and Entrepreneurship in Seattle. The authors are J. Lee, C. Won, K. Yan, and Y. Yu.
July, 2010: CSNAP featured in Temple Cutting Edge
Dr. Won and fellow CSNAP colleagues were featured in Temple Cutting Edge; Science, Health and Technology news for their Tactile Tumor-Imaging Device.
Temple Cutting Edge: Tactile Tumor-Imaging Device
July, 2010: American Association of Physicists in Medicine Annual Meeting
A poster will be presented at 2010 American Association of Physics in Medicine Annual Meeting in Philadelphia. The poster is titled, “Design and Evaluation of an Optical Tactile Imaging Device for Tumor Detection” and it is authored by J. Lee, C. Won, K. Yan, and Y. Yu.
This presentation has been highlighted by the conference, see http://www.aapm.org/meetings/2010AM/VirtualPressRoom/nanotech.asp
July, 2010: Eurohaptics
A paper will be presented at 2010 Eurohaptics conference in Amsterdam. The title of the paper is “Tactile Sensation Imaging for Artificial Palpation ” and the authors are J. Lee, C. Won, K. Yan, Y. Yu, and L. Liao.
June, 2010: American Control Conference
Two papers will be presented at 2010 American control conference in Baltimore: “Two Player Statistical Game with Higher Order Cumulants” authored by J. Lee, C. Won, and R. Diersing, “Nonlinear Cumulant Control Using Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman Equation and Neural Network Approximation” authored by K. Bei and C. Won.
May, 2010: Grant from National Science Foundation
CSNAP director, Dr. Won, obtained a three year grant titled, “AIS: Nonlinear Statistical Control Using Neural Networks” from the National Science Foundation.
March, 2010: Lecture Notes in Computer Science
The paper titled “Haptic Imaging Sensor for Inclusion Detection and Identification” authored by J. Lee, C. Won, Kaiguo Y, and Yun Y has been accepted for publication in Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
April 25, 2010: Indoor Aerial Robot Competition
CSNAP and undergraduate students (Matt Bosack (Team Lead), John Ruddy, Jay Patel, Matt Manes, Ronak Patel, Tochi Nwachukwu, Yaaqoub Malallah) won the Indoor Aerial Robot Competition sponsored by Drexel University and hosted at Rowan University. Congratulations to the Temple IARC team!
March, 2010: International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery
The paper titled “Multi-Modal Medical Image Registration to Estimate Region of Interest of a Non-rigid Organ” authored by Jong-Ha Lee, C. Won, and Marchetti, N. has been accepted for publication in International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery.
March, 2010: 2010 AMA/IEEE
J. Lee and C. Won from CSNAP presented a paper titled “Tactile Imaging Sensor for Subsurface Tumor Detection in Prostate Phantom ” at 2010 AMA-IEEE Medical Technology Conference on Individualized Healthcare in Washington D.C.
January, 2010: American Control Conference
The papers titled “Two Player Statistical Game with Higher Order Cumulants” authored by J. Lee, C. Won, and R. Diersing and “Nonlinear Cumulant Control Using Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman Equation and Neural Network Approximation” authored by K. Bei and C. Won have been accepted for the 2010 ACC.
December, 2009: New Pattern Matching Technology
J. Lee and C. Won from CSNAP submitted a paper titled “Topology Preserving Relaxation Labeling for Non-rigid Point Matching” to the IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence. This paper presents a relaxation labeling process with the newly defined compatibility measure for solving a general non-rigid point matching problem. This is applied to a biomedical application of image registration problem.
November, 2009: Tactile Imaging Sensor
Researchers of the CSNAP laboratory have developed a tactile imaging sensor. This sensor images the mechanical properties of the touched object. We have successfully identified the elasticity of a contacting object through this sensor. Various biomedical and robotic applications are being investigated.
September, 2009: Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Conference
J. Lee and C. Won from CSNAP presented a paper titled “Characterization of Lung Tissues using Liquid-Crystal Tunable Filter and Hyperspectral Imaging System” at 2009 IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Conference in Minneapolis.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009: ACC
Drs. Diersing and Won presented a paper titled “Discounted Cost Infinite Time Horizon Cumlant Control” at 2009 American Control Conference in St. Louis.
Sunday, May 3, 2009: Indoor Aerial Robot Competition
CSNAP and undergraduate students (Joe Gro, Sudi Kandi, Chris Sennott, and Ross Keyes) participated in 2009 Indoor Aerial Robot Competition hosted at Temple University.
Friday, April 3, 2009: Haythornthwaite Lectures
CSNAP and ECE Department will host a seminar by Panos Antsaklis, Brosey Professor of Electrical Engineering, U. of Notre Dame on”Model-Based Intermittent Feedback in Networked Control Systems.” The talk will be in room 126 Engineering Building at 12:40pm.
Friday, March 27, 2009: ECE Seminar
CSNAP and ECE Department will host a seminar titled, “The VIZ Project: Assessing and Training Spatial Skills for STEM disciplines” by Drs. Dawn Blasko and Kathy Holliday-Darr of Penn State University in room 126 Engineering Building at 12:40pm.
March 20, 2009: ECE Seminar
CSNAP and ECE Department will host a seminar by Dr. Sergey Nersesov of Villanova University on “Finite-Time Stabilizing Controllers for Nonlinear Dynamical Systems: Control Design for Multi-Vehicle Coordinated Motion” The talk will be in room 617 Engineering Building at 12:40pm.
February 6, 2009: ECE Seminar
December 2008: CDC
Drs. Won, Diersing, and Ahn present a paper titled “Second Cumulant Statistical Control with Indefinite Control Weight” at 2008 Control and Decision Conference in Cancun, Mexico.
October 31, 2008: Earth-Moon-Earth Communication – Amateur Radio Techno-Sport
CSNAP and the department of electrical and computer engineering will host a seminar by Dr. Allen Katz of the College of New Jersey in Room 126Engineering Building at 12:40pm-1:30pm (PDF).
September 16-19, 2008: 2008 IONS GNSS
Won and Kang attended ION GNSS conference in Savannah, GA, USA (Paper: PDF). For a brief conference report, see (Full Text: PDF)
June 10-13, 2008: 2008 American Control Conference
Drs. Won and Diersing presented two papers at the American Control Conference held in Seattle, WA, USA. For a brief conference report, see (Full Text: PDF)
April 21, 2008: Indoor Aerial Robot Competition
CSNAP and Spacecraft Systems Engineering course students participated on 2008 Indoor Aerial Robot Competition hosted by Drexel University.
April 4, 2008: Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Near-Earth Environments Seminar
CSNAP and the department of electrical and computer engineering will host a seminar by Dr. Paul Oh of Drexel University in Room 308 Engineering Building at 12:40pm-1:30pm. Abstract: Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have demonstrated usefulness in tasks like search-and-rescue, exploration and mapping, weather monitoring and forest firefighting. More recently, UAVs are currently being designed to fly in near-Earth environments like forests, buildings, caves and tunnels. These are cluttered areas where there is no GPS and communications are degraded. As such, such UAVs demand sensor suites that can autonomously navigate the vehicle. This talk will showcase designs and demonstrations of such UAVs at the Drexel Autonomous Systems Lab in Philadelphia USA.
February 7-8, 2008: Air Force Research DeBriefing Meeting
CSNAP director will present the results from the Air Force project, “Dynamical Characteristics of Hierarchical Hybrid System for Multiple Satellite Control.”
December 2007: Control and Decision Conference
Drs. Won and Diersing presented a paper at the 46th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control held in New Orleans, LA, USA.
November 2007: Invited Talk
CSNAP director will be giving an invited talk at Washington University in Saint Louis on November 15th. The title of the talk is “Micro-Navigation Sensor Network for Small Satellites.”
October 2007: Workshop
CSNAP is sponsoring a workshop, Advances in Statistical Control, System Theory, and Engineering Education at Notre Dame, Indiana. Please follow the Workshop 2007 link on the left for more information.
August 2007: Dr. Diersing
A Csnapee, Dr. Ron Diersing, accepted an offer from the University of Southern Indiana as a tenure-track Assistant Professor. Congratulations and good luck!
June 2007: 2007 CanSat Competition
Five undergraduate students competed in the 2007 National CanSat Competition, which was held in Amarillo, Texas. Here, we launched 400g pico-satellite with a model rocket into about 2500feet. We retrieved GPS data from the CanSat. Congratulations to the CanSat teams, OwlSat and NightOwl, for a successful competition!
May 2007: ASNE Intelligent Ships Symposium VII
A CSNAP researcher, Ron Diersing, presented a paper titled, “A flexible structure application for a cumulant generalization of H-infinity Control,” at ASNE Intelligent Ships Symposium VII, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
April 2007: NSF ECCS Grantees Workshop
CSNAP Director, Chang-Hee Won, attended National Science Foundation Electrical, Communications and Cyber Systems (ECCS) Grantee’s Workshop to Broaden Diversity Participation in Reno, Nevada.
February 23, 2007: Air Force Research Kickoff Meeting
CSNAP Researchers begin a new Air Force project, “Dynamical Characteristics of Hierarchical Hybrid System for Multiple Satellite Control.”
February 22, 2007: CanSat Preliminary Design Review
Two CanSate teams, OwlSat and NightOwl, have successfully completed the Preliminary Design Review with their mentors in Orbital Corporation and NASA JPL.
December 14, 2006: Control and Decision Conference
Drs. Won and Diersing presented two papers at the 45th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (45th CDC) held in Manchester Grand Hyatt Hotel, San Diego, CA, USA.
October 25, 2006: CanSat Competition
A senior design team led by Dr. Chang-Hee Won is going to be participating in the 2007 CanSat Competition. We will design, build, and test a small satellite in the shape of a 12oz soda can that will send altitude information to the base station.
September 29, 2006: Air Force Research Laboratory
CSNAP director is visiting Kirtland Air Force Base on 29 September 2006 to discuss with the researchers about the progress made over the summer in regards to cooperative satellite control project.
September 1, 2006: New Members
Dr. Ronal Diersing joined CSNAP starting 1 September 2006. He graduated from Purdue University with a Bachelor’s degree and he received his doctoral degree from the University of Notre Dame. His research interest is in control systems with medical imaging applications.
Zexi Liu joined CSNAP as a graduate student. He graduated from Huazong University with a Bachelors degree and he is pursuing a doctoral degree at Temple University.
August 11, 2006: AGI Educational Alliance
Temple has established an educational alliance with Analytical Graphics Incorporated (AGI) in Exton, PA. AGI is a leader in analysis software for aerospace applications. AGI dontated Satellite Tool Kit software valued at $413,040 to Temple University.
August, 2006: AIAA Conference
Dr. Won and Bei Kang will be attending the AIAA “Guidance, Navigation, and Control” conference to present a paper titled “Autonomous Satellite Maneuver Using PD/LQR With Hybrid Automata Theory”
June 8, 2006: Summer research participants meet with members of the USAF
Dr. Won, and the student researches from CSNAP met with Air Force research personnel At the Temple University Engineering Building. Dr. Won lead a short presentation about the research initiative at the lab, and then there was a tour of the lab.
June 1, 2006: Research on cooperative satellite control commences
Several students, including two previous graduate students, two recent graduates, and two undergraduate students, met to begin summer research, and discuss research goals and objectives.