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The documents found here have been provided for the timely dissemination of scholarly work on a noncommercial basis. Copyright is maintained by the authors or by other copyright holders. It is understood that all persons copying this information will adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author’s copyright.

Hoffman, L.J., Foley, J.M., Tanrıverdi, B., Chein, J., Olson, I.R (2024). Awake targeted memory reactivation doesn’t work. Memory & cognition. 

Asadi, N., Olson, I.R. Obradovick (2023). A transformer model for learning spatiotemporal contextual representation in fMRI data. Network Neuroscience, 7(1): 22-47. January.

Benear, S.L., Popal, H.S., Zheng, Y., Tanriverdi, B., Murty, V.P., Perlman, S.B., Olson, I.R., & Newcombe, N.S. (2023). Setting boundaries: Development of neural and behavioral event cognition in early childhood. Developmental Science.

Hoffman, L.J., Mis, R, Langford, D., Ramirez, S., Giovannetti, T., Olson, I.R. (2023). Concussions in college athletes: little to no persistent effects on brain or behavior. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 7.

Jobson, K., Hoffman, L.J., Metoki, A., Popal, H., Dick, A., Reilly, J., Olson, I.R. (2023-in press). The linguistic cerebellum: structural connectivity to the eloquent brain. Neurobiology of Language.

Olson, I.R., Hoffman, L.J., Jobson, K., Popal, H., Wang, Y. (2023). Little brain, little minds: The big role of the cerebellum in social development. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 60: 101238. April.

Tanriverdi, B., Cowan, E.T., Metoki, A., Jobson, K.R., Murty, V.P., Chein, J., Olson, I.R. (2023-accepted pending revisions). Awake hippocampal-cortical co-reactivation is associated with forgetting. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. PDF

Asadi, N., Olson, I. R., & Obradovic, Z. (2022). A transformer model for learning spatio-temporal contextual representation in fMRI data. Network Neuroscience, 1-41. PDF

Benear, S.L., Horwath, E.A., Cowan, E., Camacho, M.C., Ngo, C., Newcombe, N., Olson, I.R., Perlman, S.B., Murty, V.P. (2022). Children show adult-like hippocampal pattern similarity for familiar but not novel events. Brain Research, 1791:147991. September.

Benear, S. L., Popal, H. S., Zheng, Y., Tanriverdi, B., Murty, V. P., Perlman, S., … & Newcombe, N. (2022). Setting boundaries: Development of neural and behavioral event cognition in early childhood. PDF

Flurie, M., Kelly, A., Olson, I.R., Reilly, J. (2022). SymCog: An Open-Source Toolkit for Assessing Human Symbolic Cognition. Behavior Research Methods, 55(2): 807-823. February.

Frazier MR, Hoffman LJ, Popal H, Sullivan-Toole H, Olino TM, Olson IR. A Missing Link in Affect Regulation: The Cerebellum. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci. 2022 Jun 22:nsac042. doi: 10.1093/scan/nsac042. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35733348.

Hoffman L. J., Ngo, C. T., Canada, K. L., Pasternak, O., Zhang, F., Riggins, T., Olson, I. R. (2022). The fornix supports episodic memory during childhood. Cerebral Cortex. PDF

Jobson, K.R. Hoffman, L.J, Metoki, M, Popal, H, Dick, A.S, Reiley, J, & Olson, I.R. (2022) Language and the cerebellum: structural connectivity to the eloquent brain.

Metoki, A., Wang, Y., Olson, I.R. (2022). The social cerebellum: A large-scale investigation of functional and structural specificity and connectivity. Cerebral Cortex. 19;32(5):987-1003. March.

Newcombe, N., Benear, S. L., Ngo, C., & Olson, I. R. (2022). Memory in infancy and childhood. PDF

O’Shea, I.M, Popal, H.S., Olson, I.R., Murty, V.P., Smith, D.V. (2022). Distinct alterations in cerebellar connectivity with substantia nigra and ventral tegmental area in Parkinson’s Disease. Scientific Reports. 12(1):3289. February.

Benear, S. L., Ngo, C. T., Olson, I. R., & Newcombe, N. S. (2021). Understanding relational binding in early childhood: Interacting effects of overlap and delay. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology208, 105152. PDF

O’Shea, I. M., Popal, H., Olson, I. R., Murty, V. P., & Smith, D. V. (2021). Distinct Alterations in Cerebellar Connectivity with Substantia Nigra and Ventral Tegmental Area in Parkinsons Disease.
Ngo, C. T., Benear, S. L., Popal, H., Olson, I. R., & Newcombe, N. S. (2021). Contingency of semantic generalization on episodic specificity varies across development. Current Biology. PDF
Metoki, A., Wang, Y.,  Olson, I.R. (2021). The social cerebellum: A large-scale investigation of functional and structural specificity and connectivity. doi: (Preprint)
Newcombe, N.S., Benear, S.L., Ngo, C.T., & Olson, I.R. (in press). Memory in Infancy and Childhood. In M. Kahana & A. Wagner (Eds.). Handbook on Human Memory. Oxford University Press.
Benear, S. L., Horwath, E. A., Cowan, E., Camacho, M. C., Ngo, C., Newcombe, N., Olson, I.R., Perlman, S.B., & Murty, V. P. (2020). The development of hippocampal pattern separation: Evidence from neuroimaging. PDF
Benear, S.L., Ngo, C.T., & Olson, I.R. (2020). Dissecting the fornix in basic memory processes and neuropsychiatric disease: A review. Brain Connectivity, 10(7), 331-354. PDF
Asadi, N., Wang, Y., Olson, I., & Obradovic, Z. (2020). A heuristic information cluster search approach for precise functional brain mapping. Human Brain Mapping. PDF
Wang, Y., Metoki, A., Smith, D.V., Medaglia, J., Zang, Y., Benear, S., Popal, H., Lin Y., Olson, I.R. (2020). Multimodal mapping of the face connectome. 1. Nature Human Behavior. PDF
Popal, H., Wang, Y., & Olson, I. R. (2019). A Guide to Representational Similarity Analysis for Social Neuroscience. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience. PDF
Ngo, C.T., Horner, A., Newcombe, N.S., Olson, I.R. (2019). Development of holistic episodic recollection. Psychological Science. PDF
Ngo, C.T., Newcombe, N.S. & Olson, I.R. (2019). Gain-loss framing enhances mnemonic discrimination in preschoolers. Child Development.
Wilmer, H., Hampton, W., Olino, T., Olson, I.R. & Chein, J. (2019). Wired to be connected? Links between mobile technology engagement, intertemporal preference, and frontostriatal white matter connectivity. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience. 17;14(4):367-379. May. PDF
Ngo, C.T., Lin, Y., Newcombe, N.S. & Olson, I.R. (2019). Building up and wearing down episodic memory: mnemonic discrimination and relational binding and children. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. 148(9):1463-1479. September.
Hampton, W., Hanick, I. & Olson, I.R. (2019). Substance abuse and white matter: Findings, limitations, and future of diffusion weighted imaging research. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 1;197:288-298. April. PDF
Alm, K., Ngo, C.T. & Olson, I.R. (2019). Hippocampal signatures of targeted memory reactivation. Brain Structure and Function. 224(2):713-726. March. PDF
Hampton, W., Asadi, N. & Olson, I.R. (2018). Good things come to those who wait: predictive modeling highlights importance of delay discounting for income attainment. Frontiers in Psychology – Personality and Social Psychology. August. PDF
Wang Y., Metoki A., Alm, K. & Olson, I.R. (2018). White matter pathways and social cognition. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews. 90:350-370. July. PDF
Cooper, S., Alm, K.H. &amp Olson, I.R., Ellman, L. (2018). White matter alterations in individuals experiencing attenuated positive psychotic symptoms. Early Intervention in Psychiatry. 12(3): 372-379. June. PDF
Wang, Y. &amp Olson, I.R. (2018). The original social network: White matter connectivity and social cognition. Trends in Cognitive Science. 22(6):504-516. June. PDF
Ngo, C.T., Newcombe, N.S., & Olson, I.R. (2018). The ontogeny of relational memory and pattern separation. Developmental Science. Epub. PDF
Ngo, C.T., Alm, K.H., Metoki, A., Hampton, W., Rigging, T., Newcombe, N.S., & Olson, I.R. (2018). White matter structural connectivity and episodic memory in early childhood. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience. 28:41-53. PDF
Koski, J., Collins, J., & Olson, I.R. (2017). The neural representation of social status in the extended face processing network. European Journal of Neuroscience. 46(12):2795-2806. PDF
Metoki, A., Alm, K.H., Wang, Y., & Olson, I.R. (2017). Never forget a name: White matter connectivity predicts person memory. Brain Structure and Function. DOI: 10.1007/s00429-017-1458-3 PDF
Wang, Y., Collins, J.A., Koski, J., Nugiel, T., Metoki, A., & Olson, I.R. (2017). Dynamic neural architecture for social knowledge retrieval. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1621234114 PDF
Hampton, W.H., Alm, K.H., Venkatraman, V., Nugiel, T., & Olson, I.R. (2017). Dissociable frontostriatal white matter connectivity underlies reward and motor impulsivity. NeuroImage150, 336-343. DOI: 10.1007/s00429-017-1458-3 PDF
Nugiel, T., Alm, K., & Olson, I.R. (2016). Individual differences in white matter microstructure predict semantic control. Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience. 16(6):1003-1016. PDF
Cooper, S., Alm, K.H., Olson, I.R., & Ellman, L. (2016). White matter alterations in individuals experiencing attenuated positive psychotic symptoms. Early Intervention in Psychiatry. PDF
Troiani, V., Dougherty, C.C., Michael, A.M., & Olson, I.R. (2016). Characterization of face-selective patches in orbitofrontal cortex. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. PDF
Zhang, H., Harris, L., Split, M., Troiani, V., & Olson, I. R. (2016). Anhedonia and individual differences in orbitofrontal cortex sulcogyral morphology. Human brain mapping37(11), 3873-3881. PDF
Collins, J.A., Koski, J.E. & Olson, I.R. (2016). More than meets the eye: the merging of perceptual and conceptual knowledge in the anterior temporal face patch. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. PDF
Alm, K., Rolheiser, T.M. & Olson, I.R. (2016). Inter-individual variation in fronto-temporal connectivity predicts the ability to learn different types of associations. Neuroimage, 132, 213-224. PDF

Hampton, W., Unger, A., Von der Heide, R.J. & Olson, I.R. (2016). Neural connections foster social connections: a diffusion-weighted imaging study of social networks. Social Cognitive Affective Neuroscience. 11(5): 721-707. PDF

Ngo, C.T., Weisberg, S.M., Newcombe, N.S. & Olson, I.R. (2016). The relation between navigation strategy and associative memory: an individual differences approach. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning Memory and Cognition. 42(4):663-70. PDF

Unger, A., Alm, K.H., Collins, J., O’Leary, J.M. & Olson, I.R. (2016). Variation in white matter connectivity predicts the ability to remember faces and discriminate their emotions. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 22(2): 180-190. PDF

Skipper, L.M., Mirman, D. & Olson, I.R. (2015). Converging evidence from fMRI and aphasia that the left temporoparietal cortex has an essential role in representing abstract semantic knowledge. Cortex, 69, 104-120. PDF

Koski, J., Xie, H., Olson, I.R. (2015). Understanding social hierarchies: The neural and psychological foundations of status perception. Social Neuroscience, xx, 1-24. PDF

Alm, K. H., Rolheiser, T., Mohamed, F. B., & Olson, I. R. (2015). Fronto-temporal white matter connectivity predicts reversal learning errors. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 9(June), 1–11. PDF

Das, S., Mancuso, L., Olson, I., Arnold, S., Wolk, D. (2015). Short-term memory depends on dissociable medial temporal lobe regions in amnestic mild cognitive impairment. Cerebral Cortex, xx, 1-12. PDF

Olson, I.R., Von der Heide, R., Alm, K.H. & Vyas, G. (2015). Development of the uncinate fasciculus: implications for theory and developmental disorders. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 14, 50-61. August. PDF

Collins, J.A., Olson, I.R. (2014). Beyond the FFA: The role of the ventral anterior temporal lobes in face processing. Neuropsychologia, 62, 65-79. PDF

Olson, I.R., Plotzker, A. Ezzyat, Y., Chatterjee, A. (2014). The endpoint of the ventral visual stream: Face and non-face perceptual deficits following unilateral anterior temporal lobe damage. Neurocase, 19, 1-9. PDF

Richmond, L., Wolk, D., Chein, J., & Olson, I. R. (2014). Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation Enhances Verbal Working Memory Training Performance over Time and Near-transfer Outcomes. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. doi: 10.1162/jocn_a_00657 PDF

Von Der Heide, R., Vyas, G., & Olson, I. R. (2014). The Social Network-Network: Size is Predicted by Brain Structure and Function in the Amygdala and Paralimbic Regions. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience. doi: 10.1093/scan/nsu009 PDF

Skipper, L. M., & Olson, I. R. (2014). Semantic memory: Distinct neural representations for abstractness and valence. Brain and language, 130, 1-10. PDF

Hower, K. H., Wixted, J., Berryhill, M. E., & Olson, I. R. (2014). Impaired perception of mnemonic oldness, but not mnemonic newness, after parietal lobe damage. Neuropsychologia, 56, 409-417. PDF

Collins, J. A., & Olson, I. R. (2014). Knowledge is power: How conceptual knowledge transforms visual cognition. Psychonomic bulletin & review, 1-18. PDF

Richmond, L., Wolk, D., Vyas, G., Coslett, H.B., Olson, I.R. (2013) Repeated daily exposure to direct current stimulation does not result in sustained or notable side effects. Brain Stimulation, 6(6), 974-976. PDF

Von Der Heide, R. J., Skipper, L. M., Klobusicky, E., & Olson, I. R. (2013). Dissecting the uncinate fasciculus: disorders, controversies and a hypothesis. Brain, 136(6), 1692-1707. PDF

Von der Heide, R.J., Skipper, L.M., Olson, I.R. (2013). Anterior temporal face patches: A meta-analysis and empirical study. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 7, 17. PDF

Olson, I.R. McCoy, D., Klobusicky, E., Ross, L.A. (2013). Social cognition and the anterior temporal lobes: A review and theoretical framework. Social, Cognitive, and Affective Neuroscience, 8(2),123-33. PDF

Richmond, L., Thorpe, M., Berryhill, M., Olson, I.R. (2013). Individual differences in autistic trait load in the general population predict visual working memory performance, Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 66(6), 1182-1196. PDF

Koski, J., Olson, I.R. & Newcombe, N. (2013). Tracking the eyes to see what children remember. Memory, 21(3), 396-407. PDF

Ross, L. & Olson, I.R. (2012). What’s unique about unique entities? An fMRI investigation of the semantics of famous faces and landmarks. Cerebral Cortex, 22(9), 2005-2015. PDF

Berryhill, M.E., Richmond, L. L., Shay, C. & Olson, I.R. (2012). Shifting attention among working memory representations: testing cue type, awareness, and strategic control. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 65 (3), 426-438. PDF

Ross, L. A., McCoy, D., Coslett, H. B., Olson, I. R., & Wolk, D. A. (2011). Improved proper name recall in aging after electrical stimulation of the anterior temporal lobes. Frontiers in aging neuroscience, 3. PDF

Cabeza, R., Mazuz, Y.S., Stokes, J., Kragel, J.E., Woldorff, M.G., Ciaramelli, E., Olson, I.R. & Moscovitch, M. (2011). Overlapping parietal activity in memory and perception: evidence for the attention to memory model. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 23 (11): 3209-3217. PDF

Skipper, L. M., Ross, L. A., & Olson, I. R. (2011). Sensory and semantic category subdivisions within the anterior temporal lobes. Neuropsychologia49(12), 3419-3429. PDF

Berryhill, M.E., Chein, J., & Olson, I.R. (2011). At the intersection of attention and memory: the mechanistic role of the posterior parietal lobe in working memory. Neuropsychologia, 49 (5): 1306-1315. PDF

Richmond, L. L., Morrison, A. B., Chein, J. M., & Olson, I. R. (2011). Working memory training and transfer in older adults. Psychology and Aging, 26(4), 813. PDF

Berryhill, M.E., Wencil, E., Coslett, H.B. & Olson, I.R. (2010). A selective working memory impairment after transcranial direct current stimulation to the right parietal lobe. Neuroscience Letters. 479(3): 312-316. PDF

Ross, L., McCoy, D., Wolk, D., Coslett, H.B. & Olson, I.R. (2010). Improved proper name recall by electrical stimulation of the anterior temporal lobes. Neuropsychologia, 48(12), 3671-3674. PDF

Simons, J., Peers, P., Mazuz, Y., Berryhill, M.E. & Olson, I.R. (2010). Dissociation between memory accuracy and memory confidence following bilateral parietal lesions. Cerebral Cortex. 20(2), 479-485. PDF

Olson, I.R., Drowos, D., Berryhill, M.E., Brown, L. & Chatterjee, A. (2010). A calendar savant with episodic memory impairments. Neurocase, 16(3), 208-218. PDF

Berryhill, M. E., Picasso, L., Arnold, R., Drowos, D., & Olson, I. R. (2010). Similarities and differences between parietal and frontal patients in autobiographical and constructed experience tasks. Neuropsychologia, 48(5), 1385-1393. PDF

Ross, L. & Olson, I.R. (2010). Social cognition and the anterior temporal lobes. Neuroimage, 49, 3452-3462. PDF

Berryhill, M. E., Drowos, D. B., & Olson, I. R. (2009). Bilateral parietal cortex damage does not impair associative memory for paired stimuli. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 26(7), 606-619. PDF

Drowos, D.B., Berryhill, M.E., Andre, J. & Olson, I.R. (2010). True memory, false memory, and subjective recollection deficits after focal parietal lobe lesions. Neuropsychology, 24, 465-475. PDF

Olson, I. R., & Berryhill, M. (2009). Some surprising findings on the involvement of the parietal lobe in human memory. Neurobiology of learning and memory, 91(2), 155-165. PDF

Berryhill, M.E., Fendrich, R. & Olson, I.R. (2009). Impaired Distance Perception and Size Constancy Following Bilateral Occipitoparietal Damage. Experimental Brain Research, 194(3), 381-393. PDF

Berryhill, M.E., & Olson, I.R. (2009). The representation of object distance: evidence from neuroimaging and neuropsychology. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 3, 43. PDF

Ezzyat, Y. & Olson, I.R. (2008) The medial temporal lobe and visual working memory: comparisons across tasks, delays, and visual similarity. Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience, 8(1), 32-40. PDF

Berryhill, M.E. & Olson, I.R. (2008) The right parietal lobe is critical for visual working memory, Neuropsychologia, 46(7), 1767-1774. PDF

Berryhill, M.E. & Olson, I.R. (2008). Is the parietal lobe involved in working memory retrieval? Evidence from patients with bilateral parietal lobe damage. Neuropsychologia, 46, 1775-1786. PDF

Berryhill, M.E. Mazuz, Y. & Olson, I.R. (2008). Serial reaction time performance following right parietal lobe damage, Journal of Neuropsychology, 2(2), 509-514. PDF

Todorov, A. & Olson, I.R. (2008). Robust learning of affective trait associations with faces when the hippocampus is damaged but not when the amygdala and temporal pole are damaged. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 3(3), 195-203. PDF

Olson, I.R., Moore, K. & Drowos, D.B. (2008). The contents of visual memory are only partly under volitional control. Memory & Cognition, 36(7), 1360-1369. PDF

Cabeza, R., Ciaramelli, E., Olson, I.R. & Moscovitch, M.M. (2008). Parietal cortex and episodic memory: an attentional account. Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 9(8), 613-625. PDF

Thomas, A., Lawler, K., Olson, I.R. & Aguirre, G.K. (2007). The Philadelphia face perception battery. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 23(2), 175-187. PDF

Olson, I.R. Plotzker, A. & Ezzyat, Y. (2007). The enigmatic temporal poles: A review of findings on social and emotional processing. Brain, 130(7), 1718-1731. PDF

Berryhill, M.E., Picasso, L., Phuong, L., Cabeza, R. & Olson, I.R. (2007). Parietal lobe and episodic memory: bilateral damage causes impaired free recall of autobiographical memory, Journal of Neuroscience, 27(52), 14415-14423. PDF

Olson, I.R., Page, K, Moore, K., Chatterjee, A. & Verfaellie, M. (2006). Working memory for conjunctions relies on the medial temporal lobe. Journal of Neuroscience, 26(17), 4596-4601. PDF

Olson, I.R., Rao, H., Moore, K.S., Wang, J.J., Detre, J. & Aguirre, G.K. (2006). Using Perfusion fMRI to Measure Continuous Changes in Neural Activity with Learning. Brain and Cognition. 60(3), 262-271. PDF

Olson, I.R., Moore, K., Stark, M. & Chatterjee, A. (2006). Visual working memory is impaired when the medial temporal lobe is damaged. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 18(7), 1087-1097. PDF

Yi, D., Chun, M.M. & Olson, I.R. (2006). Shape-specific perceptual learning in a figure-ground segregation task. Vision Research, 46(6), 914-924. PDF

Olson, I.R., Jiang, Y. & Moore, K.S. (2005). Associative learning improves visual working memory performance. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 31(5), 889-900. PDF

Olson, I.R. & Marshuetz, C. (2005). Facial attractiveness is appraised in a glance. Emotion, 5(4), 498-502. PDF

Olson, I.R. & Jiang, Y. (2004). Visual short-term memory is not improved by training. Memory & Cognition, 32(8), 1326-1332. PDF

Olson, I.R. & Marshuetz, C. (2005). Remembering “What” Brings Along “Where” in visual working memory. Perception & Psychophysics, 67(2), 185-194. PDF

Jiang, Y., Chun, M.M., & Olson, I.R. (2004). Perceptual Grouping in Change Detection. Perception & Psychophysics, 66(3), 446-453. PDF

Ross, D.A., Olson, I.R., Marks, L.E., & Gore, J.C. (2004). A nonmusical paradigm for identifying absolute pitch possessors. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 116(3), 1793-1799. PDF

Olson, I.R., Zhang, J.X, Mitchell, K.J., Johnson, M.K., Bloise, S.M. & Higgins, J.A. (2004). Preserved spatial memory over brief intervals in older adults. Psychology and Aging, 19(2), 310-317. PDF

Hampson, M., Olson, I.R., Leung, H-C. & Gore, J.C. (2004). Changes in functional connectivity of human MT/v5 with visual motion input. Neuroreport, 15(8), 1315-1319. Full text

Olson, I. R., Gatenby, J. C., Leung, H. C., Skudlarski, P., & Gore, J. C. (2004). Neuronal representation of occluded objects in the human brain.Neuropsychologia, 42(1), 95-104. PDF

Ross, D.A., Olson, I.R., & Gore, J.C. (2003). Absolute pitch does not depend on early training. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 999(1), 522-526. PDF

Ross, D. A., Olson, I. R., & Gore, J. C. (2003). Cortical plasticity in an early blind musician: an fMRl study. Magnetic resonance imaging21(7), 821-828. PDF

Donegan, N.H., Stanislow, C.A., Blumberg, H.P, Fulbright, R.K., Lacadie, C., Skudlarski, P, Gore, J.C, Olson, I.R., McGlashan, T.H. & Wexler, B.E. (2003). Amygdala hyperreactivity in borderline personality disorder: implications for emotional dysregulation. Biological Psychiatry, 54(11), 1284-1293. PDF

Olson, I.R., Gatenby, J.C., & Gore, J.C. (2002). A comparison of bound and unbound audio-visual information processing in the human cerebral cortex. Cognitive Brain Research, 14(1), 129-138. PDF

Olson, I. R., & Jiang, Y. (2002). Is visual short-term memory object based? Rejection of the “strong-object” hypothesis. Perception & psychophysics64(7), 1055-1067. PDF

Olson, I.R., Chun, M.M, & Allison, T. (2001). Contextual guidance of attention: Human intracranial event-related potential evidence for feedback modulation in anatomically early, temporally late stages of visual processing. Brain, 124(7), 1417-1425. PDF

Olson, I.R. & Chun, M.C. (2001). Temporal contextual cuing of visual attention. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 27(5), 1299-1313. PDF

Olson, I.R., & Chun, M.M. (2001). Perceptual constraints on implicit learning of spatial context. Visual Cognition, 9(3), 273-302. PDF

Olson, I.R., Chun, M.M, & Anderson, A.K. (2001) Effects of phonological length on the attentional blink for words. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 27(5), 1116-1123. PDF

Jiang, Y., Olson, I.R. & Chun, M.M. (2000). Organization of visual short term memory. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 26(3), 683-702. PDF

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