Somaiyeh Dadashi,
Somaiyeh Dadashi completed her M.Sc. degree in Nanomaterials-Nanoengineering, focusing on the laser fabrication of nanostructured materials with potential in optical and therapeutic applications.
In December 2018, she joined the Borguet group at Temple University, where her Ph.D. research centers on designing and developing nonlinear optical laser techniques to study interfacial and confined water at geochemical and biological interfaces. Somaiyeh has led the development of an interdisciplinary nonlinear optical spectroscopy and microscopy for interdisciplinary research on material and bio-substrate interfaces. Her expertise includes surface-specific vibrational laser spectroscopy (steady state and ultrafast) and microscopy using sum-frequency generation (SFG) and second harmonic generation (SHG) processes.
Her research projects include investigating the properties of interfacial water using probe molecules at charged oxide surfaces, determining the dielectric function at interfaces, developing a new nonlinear laser spectroscopy technique (NIR-vSHG), and studying the impact of nuclear quantum effects on the interfacial hydrogen bonding network.