Selection and Appointment Committee




The Selection and Appointment Committee:

  1. Acts as the Academic Assembly of Librarians representatives on searches for librarians in the Temple University Libraries.
  2. Monitors the search process to see that it is in accord with current guidelines for searches for librarians.
  3. Provides an opportunity for AAL members to participate in personnel decisions.
  4. Makes hiring recommendations to the Dean of Libraries.



The Committee will consist of four librarians elected by the AAL at the May meeting. The term of office is two years with two members being elected each year.


The chairperson is usually the member who is serving the second year of a two year term with the most seniority as a member of the AAL. When names of Committee members to serve on search committees are requested by the AAL Steering Committee, one member should be in his/her first and one be in his/her second year on the Committee, if possible. The chairperson of the Selection and Appointment Committee will appoint a substitute member to a search committee as necessary.


The Committee should meet in July of each year to welcome newly elected members, review current guidelines for searches for librarians, discuss Committee members participation on Search Committees and consider any questions pertaining to the application of these guidelines. In addition, a meeting at the end of the year may be useful to assist in the preparation of the Committee’s annual report to the AAL and to consider any recommendations or suggestions for changes in the guidelines or procedures. Meetings can be called by the Chairperson at any time.

Committee members serve on librarian search committees which are scheduled by the chairperson of each search committee.


An annual report is submitted to the AAL at the May meeting which lists the Search Committees active during the year, which Selection and Appointment Committee members served on which Search Committees and the outcome of the searches. Other suggestions and comments may also be included in the annual report.

Complete files on each search committee are kept in the Administrative Services Office. There is thus no need to duplicate this information. However, the chairperson of the Committee should keep the position descriptions, search committee charges and annual reports to the AAL for five years for referral. After five years these documents should be transferred to the AAL archives in Templana.

May 1990,  April 1999; March 2002