September 12, 2017




Tuesday, September 12, 2017

2:00 PM

Paley Library Lecture Hall




Attending: Steven Bell, Brian Boling, Jasmine Clark, Carla Davis Cunningham (chair), Kristina De Voe, Matt Ducmanas, , Erin Finnerty, Andrea Goldstein, Justin Hill, Josue Hurtado, Latanya Jenkins, Sarah Jones, Delphine Khanna, Karen Kohn (recording), Joe Lucia, Jill Luedke, Jessica Lydon, Urooj Nizami, Katy Rawdon, Brian Schoolar, Caitlin Shanley, Matt Shoemaker, Jackie Sipes, Margery Sly, Gretchen Sneff, Sandi Thompson, Kim Tully, Nancy Turner


  1. Approval of minutes from the May meeting (Karen Kohn)

Minutes were approved.


  1. Introductions:

Steven Bell introduced Sarah Jones, Science and Engineering Librarian, who joined us in July. She is liaison to Chemistry, Biology, Bioengineering, and Physics. She has a cat named Simone.

Sandi Thompson introduced the two new Resident Librarians, Jasmine Clark and Urooj Nizami. Urooj is currently doing her first rotation in RIS, supervised by Adam Shambaugh. She has a cat named Opie. Jasmine previously worked for Temple University Libraries as an undergraduate student in Digital Library Initiatives. She is doing her first rotation under Matt Shoemaker in the Digital Scholarship Center. She has one dog and two cats.

Patrick Lyons, Innovation Librarian at HSL was not present and will be introduced at a future meeting.


  1. Urban Archives 50th anniversary observances (Margery Sly)

The Urban Archives were founded in 1967 by the History department and will be celebrating their 50th anniversary this fall. Programming to celebrate the archives will include exhibits, a film screening at International House on Thursday, October 19, and a symposium Friday, October 20. More details will be shared with the Libraries closer to the dates of the events.


  1. Dean’s update (Joe Lucia)

New Building The official opening of our new library building will be in the summer of 2019. Construction is underway. The bidding process for movers is expected to start this fall. The moving process is expected to take five months, beginning in Spring 2019. There will be conversations to come about how to provide library services during the move. We will be receiving mock-ups of staff work stations in October. There will also be a bidding process for furniture for the new building.

Provost Joe met with the Provost yesterday. She is interested in increasing the educational impact of the library. The conversation also touched on potential shared positions between the library and other departments. There may be a new model for determining the library budget in the future, as a result of the review of RCM that took place in the Spring.

Re-organization There will be communication soon about the next steps forward in the library reorganization. So far the changes are proceeding according to the timeline that has already been shared.

Alma Migration There will be a celebration of the completion of the Alma migration. Joe noted the ongoing challenges, particularly with Discovery, but appreciates the ways the staff is moving forward.

Annual Report The Library Annual Report has been completed and will be disseminated in the fall.


  1. Physical Collections Working Group (Justin Hill)

The barcoding project will be concluded imminently. The committee has been discussing de-selection of LPs, educational kits, and bound periodicals. Some conversations have taken place with Macquarie University in Australia, which is also an Alma user that has an ASRS.

We are in the process of identifying duplicate monographs that we can donate to the University of the Arts to replace items destroyed in a flood.


  1. Old business

Following up on the conversation in May about integrating the Merit process with Annual Reports, there is now a task force that is reviewing the annual report form. Task force members are Molly Larkin, Brian Boling, and Kim Tully. The goal is to have a new process in place for July 2018. The Merit committee will be responsible for setting a new timeline to be followed in the 2018-19 academic year.

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