SEPTEMBER 10, 2013




2:00 PM



Attending:  Doreva Belfiore, Aslaku Berhanu, Brian Boling (recorder), Jim Bongiovanni (acting Chair), Carla Davis Cunningham, Mark Darby, Kristina DeVoe, Erin Finnerty, Leanne Finnigan, Andrea Goldstein, Eugene Hsue, Latanya Jenkins, Noa Kaumeheiwa, Molly Larkin, Jessica Lydon, Katy Rawdon, Fred Rowland, Matt Shoemaker, Jackie Sipes, Courtney Smerz, Sandi Thompson.

Meeting called to order at 2:10pm.

  1. Approval of Minutes (B. Boling)

All outstanding General Assembly minutes from Fall 2012 to Spring 2013 have been approved.

  1. Special Election

AAL Steering Committee Chair (C. Cunningham, J. Sipes)

A special election was held to fill a vacancy left by Krystal Lewis’ departure.  Mark Darby was elected Chair of the AAL Steering Committee.

  1. Remarks by the Dean of Libraries (J. Lucia)

Due to an unforeseen scheduling conflict, Dean Lucia was unable to attend the General Assembly meeting.

  1. New Staff Introductions
  1. Leanne Finnigan (M. Darby)

Leanne Finnigan is the new Database Management Librarian, a long-vacant position formerly held by Mark Darby.  She previously worked at Montgomery County Community College library.  Leanne has a degree in history from UNC Charlotte and an MLIS from an online program based in Valdosta, Georgia.  She knows Spanish and Portuguese and has traveled in Brazil.  She has four cats, one of which is named Scooter.

  1. Old Business


  1. New Business / Announcements

Penelope Myers expressed her appreciation of colleagues in the AAL.  She inquired if any progress had been made on Emeritus Status for librarians.  The Faculty Senate has not yet discussed this issue, nor has a vote gone to the Board of Trustees.

Kristina DeVoe announced that a PARA information session would be held on Thursday at 3pm in room 309.  The deadline for contract renewal applications is Wednesday, September 18th.

AAL members enjoyed coffee, cookies, and two cakes–a “Welcome Joe” and a “Goodbye Penelope” cake.

Adjourned at 2:21pm.



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