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For my project, I am thinking about exploring relationships. One topic I am considering is the Gayborhood’s impact on African American queer youth. This topic would give me the opportunity to explore the relationship between a culture and a geographical space. I want to learn more about how these spaces can foster community ties among minority groups. Another topic I am considering is the relationship between redlining and generational poverty in Philadelphia. Redlining has had devastating effects on housing security and property ownership. By refusing to sell mortgages in nonwhite areas, redlining enforces racial segregation through the wealth gap. This denial of financial security is one of the many goals of the long civil rights movement, so why is it not talked about more? And why do we not draw connections between housing insecurity from then until now? It is crucial to make these connections in history so that we can understand what is happening in the present day.

Here are some sources I drew inspiration from:

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